Name 5 songs from ‘Boxer’ by The National.
Fake Empire
Mistaken for Strangers
Squalor Victoria
Green Gloves
Slow Show
Apartment Story
Start a War
Guest Room
Racing Like a Pro
In which area of Copenhagen was I born?
When is our anniversary?
21 January.
What was the first phrase Nora ever said to Vincent?
‘Hi, I’m Nora from the Croatian department’.
How do you say ‘goodbye’ in Danish?
‘Hej hej’ or ‘farvel’
What does it say on Vincent’s Blink 182 shirt?
‘Don’t waste your time on me, you’re already the voice inside my head’
Who introduced me to Oasis, Guns n Roses and AC Milan?
How many other colleagues where there when Nora and Vincent met?
What did Nora wear the first time she drank coffee with Vincent in LAC?
The leather jacket.
What do we call morning people and evening people in Denmark?
A-mennesker and B-mennesker
Who was Vincent listening to when Nora came to his apartment, heard the music playing and said: ‘What’s happening? I had no idea you liked this’.
Who from my family has visited me the most in the different cities I’ve lived in?
Why was Vincent late the first time we met in T2?
They had found a bomb in Lux centre.
What was Nora obsessed with on that one night, Vincent has seen her drunk?
Vincent’s dryer.
Which language is Danish most similar to?
What was the first song that The National played at the Edinburgh concert?
Sea of Love
Name 6 of my favourite 7 bands/musicians.
Neil Young, Oasis, Bob Dylan, Bright Eyes, Guns n Roses, Nick Cave and Alice in Chains
Which album did we listen to for the first time on vinyl?
‘What’s the Story Morning Glory’ by Oasis.
Which musician/band has Nora most often told Vincent she does not want to listen to?
The National.
Name one Tove Ditlevsen book in Danish.
Pigesind, Man gjorde et barn fortræd, Barndommens gade, Blinkende lygter, Kvindesind, Barndom, Ungdom, Gift.
Who are the 4 most recent winners of Eurovision?
Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine and Italy.
How many cities have I lived in?
9: Copenhagen, Oure, Odense, Rome, Buenos Aires, Puerto Madryn, Salta, Bologna and Luxembourg.
Which word does ‘Norzki’ come from?
Morski pas.
Who did Nora initially call her best friend when she met Vincent?
How many vowels are there in Danish?
9: a, e, i, o, u, y, æ, ø, å