How are Easter Day determined?
The first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox.
What does 🏠 🍬 🏠 mean?
"Home Sweet Home"
What is the only flying mammals?
What is the famous Christmas book written by Dr. Suess?
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
This food is known to be very dangerously toxic that the chef must eat portion of it before they can even serve it?
How is Lunar New Year determined?
By the first New Moon of the Lunar calendar, (ending 15 days later basically on the first full moon).
What does 🧩 🍰 mean?
"Piece of Cake"
What skin does polar bears have?
Diary of a Wimpy Kids: Who is Greg's older brother's name?
Rodrick Heffley
What are fertilized duck eggs called in a more original words?
How is dragon boat festival(Duanwu) determined?
By the Chinese Lunar Calendar, Specifically the fifth day of the fifth month.
What does ✊🐎🐎 mean?
"Hold your horses"
What are beetle larvae stage commonly called?
Charlotte's Web: What is themain protagonist pig's name?
Apparently, a type cheese is considered a delicacy where insects even appears in it.
Casu Martzu
How is Hindu Holiday "Holi" determined?
Last full moon of the Hindu Luni-solar calendar month.
What does ❌ 🚀 👩🔬 mean?
"Not rocket science"
What is special about the Basilisk Lizard?
It can sprint on surface of water.
Name one of the two main protagonist of the Magic Tree House's book series.
Jack and Annie
An edible leaf that could be consumed while also wrapped with mixture of ingredients like areca nuts while also can be eaten while it's lighten on fire.
When is Diwali determined to be celebrated?
Typically falls on the 13th day of the dark half of the Lunar Month Ashvina of the lunar calender. (Basically the darkest day)
What does 💳 💪 🦵 mean?
What is known to be the second largest penguin species called?
King Penguin
Eric Carle is known for writing an iconic book over a caterpillar, what is the name of the book?
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
A type of birds are known to have nests as a consumable delicacy, what are those birds name?