Fig. Lang./Text Features
Synonyms & Antonyms
Prefixes &
Compare & Contrast/Central idea
Context Clues

Text features: Why does the author use bold text in a story?

a) to show the reader new words

b) to show the reader which words are important

c) to show the reader words in other languages

b) to show the reader which words are important


What is the antonym (opposite) of the word "hot"?

A) Cold

B) Warm

C) Spicy

D) Sunny

A) Cold


"You got the answer wrong.  Please go back and reread the story."  

Which word means almost the same as "reread?"

1.) To write your answer again

2.) To read for the first time

3.) To read again

C.) To read again


Florida is known for its warm weather and flat beaches. On the other hand, Maine is known for its cold winters and rocky coast. Delicious oranges grow in Florida, along with many other kinds of fruit. Maine does have tasty blueberries, though, which don't grow in Florida. Still, these two states do have something in common. They are located on the East Coast. However, they are 1,500 miles apart. Maine is far up in the north, while Florida is all the way down south.

According to the text, what is one similarity and one difference between Florida and Maine?

Florida and Maine are both located on the east coast. Florida has warm weather and flat beaches while Maine has cold winters and rocky coasts. Oranges grow in Florida and blueberries grow in Maine. Maine is located in the northern part of the east coast while Florida is located in the southern part of the east coast.


Read the sentence below:

"The brave firefighter rushed into the burning building to save the ____________."

What word could fill in the blank to make the sentence complete and make sense?

A) box B) lunch C) paper D) child

D) child


What type of figurative language is this?

1.) Simile 2.) Metaphor 3.) Personification

1.) simile


Liam was so happy when he found out he was going to Disney World!

Which word is a synonym for "happy"?

A) Sad

B) Funny

C) Excited

D) Joyful

c) excited


If I see a preview of a movie, am I watching it before or after I watch the movie?



Look at these details from a paragraph about sea stars.

  • Most sea stars have an eye at the end of each arm.

  • If they lose an arm, sea stars can grow a new one.

  • Some sea stars can grow more than forty arms.

Choose the main, or central, idea that ties all the details together.

A) Different types of fish are found in the ocean

B) Seastars have unique arms

C)Seastars can grow new arms if they lose one

B) Seastars have unique arms


"The sky was filled with dark clouds, and thunder rumbled in the distance. It looks like a ____________ is coming."

What word could replace the blank to show what is likely happening based on the context?

A) birthday B) party C) storm D) picnic

C) storm


Is the sentence below written in first-person or third-person?

Jason used his own money to buy himself comic books. He was very proud!

The sentence is written in third-person point of view. I know this because the author uses words like his and he.


The class was so rambunctious that I could hardly think!

Which word means the same as "rambunctious?"

1.) crowded

2.) rowdy

3.) silent

2.) Rowdy


To be happy to complete a task in a certain way.  

1.) Sweetly

2.) Finally

3.) Gladly

3.) Gladly


Look at these details from a paragraph about sunburn.

  • A hat can protect your face from getting too much sun.

  • Sunscreen is a good way to keep your skin safe from the sun.

  • Wearing long sleeves can protect your arms from sunburn.

Choose the main, or central, idea that ties all the details together.

A) Wearing sunscreen can keep your skin from getting a sunburn.
B) In the summer, the sun is very powerful.
C) There are many ways to protect yourself from a sunburn.
C) There are many ways to protect yourself from a sunburn.

"He fought off the snake with his bare hands"

What does the word bare mean when used as above?

A) a bar on a wall

B) to only use your hands

C) had gloves on

D) to have bear claws

B) to only use your hands


My cat, Mr. Jellybean, is so cute and fun to play with.  He is the apple of my eye.

What type of figurative language is "apple of my eye"

1.) Simile

2.) Metaphor

3.) Personification

2.) metaphor


What is the antonym (opposite) of the word "enormous"?

A) Tiny

B) Huge

C) Large

D) Massive

Correct answer: A) Tiny


"It's okay to disagree with other people"

What does the word disagree mean as it is used in the sentence above?

a) not happy

b) not follow

c) not agree

c) not agree


The most popular snow sports are skiing and snowboarding. In skiing, the feet are separated, each on its own skinny board. In snowboarding, by contrast, the feet are both strapped to a single board. Snowboarding is a newer sport than skiing. Skiing has been an Olympic sport since 1924, while snowboarding only became an Olympic sport in 1998. The two sports place different demands on the body. Snowboarders are at risk of hurting their wrists when they fall, but skiers are at risk of hurting their knees. 

According to the text, what are 2 similarities and 2 differences between skiing and snowboarding?

Differences: answers vary

Similarities: They are both dangerous, you have a risk of hurting yourself doing either sport, they are both sports, they both use boards, they both require snow.


"If you give Joann a group of people, she will make them laugh."

Which character trait best describes Joanne?

1.) Strange    2.)  Cruel   3.)   Hilarious

3.) Hilarious


What is a synonym for "vivid"?

A) Dull

B) Bright

C) Quiet

D) Slow

Correct answer: B) Bright


Read the passage.

How Volcanoes Erupt

A volcano is an opening in the earth above a pool of melted rock. Volcanoes usually look like mountains. But volcanoes can erupt, which sends the melted rock out of the volcano. Not all volcanic eruptions are the same. Some volcanoes shoot rocks, ash, and gas high into the air. Mount St. Helens in Washington, for example, erupted like this in 1980. Other volcanoes erupt differently. Instead of shooting out rocks, they pour out red-hot melted rock, or lava. The lava flows out and runs down the sides of the volcano. Mauna Loa in Hawaii erupts in this way.

What is the main, or central, idea of the passage?

A)Volcanoes can erupt in different ways.
B)Volcanoes at Mount St. Helens and Mauna Loa have both erupted.
C)When some volcanoes erupt, hot lava pours down their sides.

A)Volcanoes can erupt in different ways.

Is the sentence below written in first-person or third-person? How did you know?

I was only seven years old when my family moved to the United States.

This sentence is written in first-person because the author uses words like I and my.


Mrs. Stockstill is very organized!  She has every topic divided into folders and in ABC order to make it easier to find.  

What word is similar to "organized?"

1.) Neat

2.) Sloppy

3.) Disorganized  

1.) Neat


Read the passage below.

Working Bees

Worker bees gather nectar from flowers. Nectar is a sweet liquid that bees use to make honey. As they gather nectar, bees do another important job, too. They carry tiny grains of pollen from one part of a flower to another. Sometimes they carry pollen from one flower to another. As a result, the plants are able to grow new seeds and fruit. Bees carry pollen to many different kinds of plants, including many that people eat. So, our food supply would be hurt without bees. We depend on bees for food like peaches, pears, and apples.

What is the main, or central, idea of the passage?

A)Plants need pollen in order to grow new fruits and seeds.
B)Bees are important because they help plants grow many foods we eat.
C)Worker bees like different kinds of plants.

B)Bees are important because they help plants grow many foods we eat.