A portion of a whole number represented by two numbers.
What is a fraction?
A tool used to measure the length of material
What is a tape measure?
The whole numbers on a tape measure have full lines represent this...
What are inches?
A number that can be divided by two without a remainder.
What is an even number?
Instead of saying 2/4, two-fourths, we say
What is 1/2 or one-half?
The part of the fraction below the dividing line.
What is a denominator?
The metal piece on the tip of a tape measure.
What is the tab travel?
The second longest line on a tape measure show...
What is a half-inch or 1/2"?
A number that cannot by divided by two without a remainder.
What is an odd number?
Instead of saying 4/8, four-eighths, we say
What is 1/2?
The part of a fraction above the dividing line.
What is a numerator?
When a tape measure is pushed up against an object it...
What is adds a 1/16 inch?
The third longest line represents...
What is a quarter inch or 1/4"?
List the three equivalent fractions to 1/2 on a tape measure.
What is 2/4, 4/8, and 8/16?
Instead of saying 6/8, six-eighths, we say
What is 3/4?
Fractions having different numerators and denominators but still having equal values, such as 1/2 and 2/4.
What are equivalent fractions?
If you hook and pull on an object with a tape measure you...
What is subtracts a 1/16 inch?
The fourth longest line, which is also the second smallest line, represents...
What are eighths or 1/8"?
List the two equivalent fractions to 1/4 on a tape measure.
What is 2/8 and 4/16?
Instead of saying 12/16, twelve-sixteenths we say
What is 3/4, three-fourths?
A whole number that can be divided by another whole number with no remainder. Multiples of 2 are 4,6,8,10, 12, 14, etc.
What is a multiple?
This is indicated by large black arrows on a tape measure.
What are foot marks?
The smallest lines represents...
What are sixteenths or 1/16"?
List the equivalent fractions on a tape measure for 3/4.
What is 6/8 and 12/16?
Instead of saying 2/16, two-sixteenths, we say
What is 1/8, one-eighth?