Thiago's favorite pastime
What is Tinder?
Scored match-winner, 2019 State Cup Final
Who is Jake?
Provides cover.
Who is second defender?
Nearly tossed in consecutive games in at Mayor's Cup
Who is Las Vegas Heat FC coach?
Gone fishin'
Who is Kyle?
Baraka's favorite phrase
What is, "Oh my God!"?
Destroyed Utah center back in Vegas
Who is Scott?
Runs at free kick from out of wall
What is a bullet?
This team's player nearly broke Bailey in half in Vegas
What is Maryland?
Gave blood.
Who is Elliot?
Red card and best photo, State Cup Final
Who is Nate?
Who is Trevor?
Protects center backs
Who is #6 or holding midfielder?
Lucas was fascinated by this pre-game in Chicago
What is shell ice?
Math Wiz's
Who are Ryder, Nikhil, Nate?
Never won or coached in the USYS National League
Who is Casey Holm?
Header vs. Keelix set up bomb from Ish
Who is Cohan?
Indirect free kick targets near back post.
What are back-boards?
4th tried to kick him out of the State Cup Final.
Who is Nate (DOC)?
Human catapult
Who is Bailey?
Official Promoter, Las Vegas Boulevard Strippers Club
Who is Mike Huber?
Plowed Salvo goalkeeper in 2019
Who is Connor?
Assures cross is not wasted at back post.
What is a framer?
Gave you the worst t-shirt you will ever own.
Who is MYSA?
Who are Jake, Zach and Nithin?