Keep On-A-Rollin'
But Seriously, Folks...
I'd Love More Data
Shout It, Shout It Out Loud!
Is that Elvis?
This percent of the district's expenditures in 2010-2011 was directly related to instruction. (p. 4)
What is 83.8%?
These two grade levels exceeded the 10-year average on ITBS/ITED in reading, mathematics, science, and language (pgs. 12-14).
What are the fourth and eighth grade?
The percentage of proficient 4th, 8th, and 11th grade students matched or exceeded the state average in all subject categories except, this subject area (p. 6).
What is 4th grade math?
Le Mars CSD exceeded the 10-year average on ITBS/ITED proficiency categories in this number of categories (pgs. 12-14).
What is 10 of 12?
This person is located in the picture on page 10, teaches eighth grade science, and used to be a full-time KTIV weather man.
Who is Dave Winslow?
LCHS had this number of "Superior" ratings at the All-State Individual Speech Contest (p. 3).
What is 28?
This grade level had at least 80% of students score at a proficient level in all four subject areas, according to ITBS (p. 12).
What is the fourth grade?
2010-2011 results indicate 80% or above of students scoring at the proficient level on six of nine these assessments (p. 23).
What are local assessments?
Within the three-year trends, students in grades 4, 8, and 11, exceeded the three-year trends in these categories (pg. 15-16).
What are reading, math, and science?
This picture shows a group of people receiving their 11th IASB Award of Achievement in a row (p. 2).
Who are the Le Mars School Board members?
LCHS had a 94.86% graduation rate, exceeding the state of this percentage (page span 25-26).
What is 88.8%?
This grade level exceeded the 10-year average in reading and science, but not math or language (pgs. 12-14).
What is the eleventh grade?
These cohorts were all above grade level (ie. 7th grade higher than 7.7) on the reading, math, language, and science portions of the ITBS/ITED (pg. 8-11).
What are cohorts 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14?
(True or false) LCSD had one of it's best testing years ever.
What is true.
This teacher is Nationally Board Certified (p. 6).
Who is Lorene Rexwinkel?
This high school infraction saw zero violations for the second year in a row. (p. 26)
What are weapon violations?
Students in grades 4, 8, and 11, had at least 80% of students proficient within these tests (pgs. 12-14).
What is math and science?
This school was labeled an NCLB "School In Need of Assistance" within the special education subgroup for mathematics (p. 6).
What is the middle school?
This percent of 2011 LCHS students went onto post-secondary education (p. 25).
What is 88%?
This high school teacher is co-teaching a math class with Mr. Boyd, made up of special education and regular education students (p. 9).
Who is Mr. Hessenius?
This cohort did not have one year of growth within reading on ITBS from 09-10 to 10-11 (p. 8).
What is the eighth grade?
This grade posted five-year highs in proficiency in language and math (pgs. 12-14).
What is eighth grade?
This percent of students in grades 3-8 and 11 completed the annual assessment for 2010-2011 (p. 18).
What is 100%
LCHS had this percent of students scoring >20 on the ACT; the highest since recording of this data started in 1999-2000 (p. 24).
What is 81%?
This cartoon character believes "Math is the Problem" and "Thinking is the solution" (front cover).
Who is Garfield?