Joshua, Judges
Ruth, Samuel
The author of this book.
Who was Moses?
This prophet warned the Israelites not to have kings, but also gave instructions should they choose to have a king anyway.
Who is Moses?
This happened to Moses because he needed a physical body to bestow keys on Peter, James, and John.
What is Moses was translated?
Naomi instructed Ruth to show interest in marrying Boaz by doing this.
What is uncover his feet (while he slept in the threshing room).
Anger and jealousy caused king Saul to try and slay him, but this man refused to kill one of the Lord's anointed even though he had opportunity while they slept in the same cave.
Who is David?
These two spies brought encouraging reports when sent to the land of Caanan. The other ten were afraid to enter the promised land.
Who was Joshua and Caleb
This means "repetition of the law."
What is Deuteronomy
This happened only after the entire generation of Israelites born in Egypt had died.
What is entered the promised land?
She was the mother of Samuel, and dedicated him to serve in the tabernacle under Eli after her prayer to have a child was answered.
Who is Hannah?
This prophet confronted King David about his adultery with Bathsheba even though David thought he had covered it up. He used a parable about the ewe lamb of the poor man as he confronted David.
Who is Nathan?
After being bitten, those who looked on this symbol of Christ were healed.
What is the brass serpent?
Moses reminded the people they were to be a _______ and a holy people by observing the Lord's laws and feasts so they would stand out as special and separate.
What is peculiar?
When Joshua was leading the people to the promised land the Jordan river parted only after this happened.
What is the priests feet had to touch the water (as they carried the ark).
When the tribes decided they wanted a king "like all other nations" Samuel recommended to avoid having a king but in the end anointed this person as the first king of Israel.
Who is Saul?
This king found the book of the law of Moses and studied it, he broke down the altars, high places and idols that were worshiped by other kings. He endured faithful to the end of his life when he was killed in battle.
Who is Josiah?
When king Balak was worried about the Israelites camping near his city, he asked this prophet to curse them, offering riches and fame . Instead this prophet blessed the Israelites.
Who is Balaam?
The law instructed that every seventh year this was to be forgiven or released.
What is debts or servants?
The reference for this scripture: "Choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
What is Joshua 24:15?
Because of her virtue and righteousness, Ruth became an ancestor to both King David and ____________.
Who is Jesus Christ?
This prophet sealed the heaven's rain, and later proposed a competition with the priests of Baal on mount Carmel. After soaking his altar with water the Lord sent down fire from heaven and consumed it completely. He then slayed the 850 wicked priests.
Who is Elijah?
This prophet disobeyed the Lord and told King Balak he could defeat the Israelites if he enticed them to sin.
Who is Balaam
God commanded that this needed to happen to the Canaanites to prevent spreading of sin and unbelief like a disease.
What is destroyed or killed?
He plowed down the altar of Baal in his father's field and later, this judge and his army of only 300 water-lapping men, defeated a vast army of Midianites.
Who is Gideon?
This young man was anointed to be the next king, best friends with prince Johnathan, and defeated a legendary foe from Gath.
Who is David?
This man was the king of Judah paying tribute to the Babylonian king Nebuchadneezar. After he rebelled one of his sons, Mulek, escaped the destruction of Jerusalem and traveled to the Americas in the same way that Lehi did.
Who was king Zedekiah?