Dept 101
Survey Savy
Emergency 101
Meds.. Meds.. Meds

At front desk or on Scope

What is where you can find the safety manual for your dept


Panic--The surveyor just stepped onto my unit, (I think I'll go hide)

What is not the appropriate action to take when the surveyor arrives.


I am in the hallway by the stairwell.  I would pull as I am exiting.  

What is location of closest emergency pull station & fire exit


Protected Health Information (PHI) generally refers to demographic info, medical history, tests and laboratory results, insurance information and other data that healthcare professionals collect to identify an individual and determine appropriate care. It includes many common identifiers, such as name, address, phone number, photo, Medical Record Number, account number, Social Security number, etc.

What is PHI


Herbs, OTC meds, Inhalers, Patches, Prescriptions

What are all forms of medications that should be noted on the medication history.


Call Environmental services to pick up from clinic

What is location sharps boxes are disposed of


Ask a supervisor, ask a co-worker, look it up in Scope

What is the correct way to find answers.


Code Gray--Tornado's are possible

What is announcement for a Tornado watch


Lock/log off your computer

What do you do with your workstation prior to leaving your desk?


Right med, right time, right pt (yes I checked the ID band); right dose, right route.

What is 5 rights to administering a medication


Up front in a cabinet at the CA station.  Left hand cabinet.

What is location of the MSDS manual for your dept


I'm not sure I understand your question, Could you please clarify?

What is the correct way to be sure you understand the surveyors question.


I don't know the answer, I'll just make something up.

What is not the correct way to answer a surveyor's question.


When you find PHI in an unsecured area

What is report it to 


I've got pink labels on my vaccines

What is one way to label the medication before administering it.


Work order to clinical Engineering.  Form found on SCOPE

What is process to identify fixing of broken equipment.


You remember_____ we talked about that at staff meeting.

What is the correct way to help out a co-worker.


Quick go to the garage, help the pt's, grab the schedule, Grab the "go" bag.

What Actions for Code Gray


I better let someone know that our process isn't good--since I almost made a med error

What is an example of something to complete an Event report on (RL application)


Bring in the meds, Use a wallet card, Use an ap on phone, make a list at home

What are all ways to bring the clinic a list of medications


2 locations: 

1. To the right of the EKG door in the clinic hallway,

2. Outside of stress entrance in back of echo hallway

What is location of Oxygen shut offs


Whine, Whine, Whine--everything here is so wrong.

What is not correct behavior to a surveyor.


Go Bag; Pt List; Walkie Talkie (aka hand held Radio)

What are items you need when you evacuate for Fire or Severe weather


I'm on the QI team, I attend Nursing Quality Council I helped with a PDSA

What are ways you can actively contribute to improving the quality of care provided to our pt's


How to get a hold of us after they leave, schedule any follow-up appointments, SBE prophylaxis, activity restrictions and diet/water intake. 

What some of the components of the discharge instructions that should be reviewed with the pt at discharge from clinic.
