___ muscles lay superficially on a structure
(meaning muscles that are on the outside of the body which are underneath the shoulder and easily visible.)
what are extrinsic muscles
soreness occurring 12 hours after injury or physical activity and increases for up to 48 hours before going away. Caused by small tears or disruption in tissue holding muscle fibers together.
Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
Produced by external forces toward one another on opposite surfaces in opposite directions.
What is Compression
It is cold and it is hot
it is white and it is dark
it is stone and it is wax
it's true nature is of flesh
and it's color is red
There is a total of __ bones in the shoulder complex
Lack of exercise causes...(3)
What are lower strength, lower endurance, and lower coordination
forces moving in opposite directions parallel to each other
I can be long, or I can be short.
I can be grown, and I can be bought.
I can be painted or left bare.
I can be round, or I can be square.
What am I?
what is the deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major, latissimus dorsi, sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis major, tricep brachii, and bicep brachii.
I am part of the digestive system. I am a tube that connects the pharynx and the stomach. I am called the ____________.
what is that a:
Non-Surgical Treatment
Treatment for a grade one or grade two separation usually consists of pain medications and a short period of rest using a shoulder sling.
Surgical Treatment
Surgery involves relocating the joint and repairing the torn ligaments. Grades 3 (severe) up to 6 may require surgical treatment.
allows for the muscle to go through its entire range of motion at a fixed speed with the same amount of resistance throughout
what is Isokinetic
The 3 fascia that surrounds the muscles and cells
what us the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium
I am part of the excretory system. I am a special filter, and I send urea to your bladder. I am called the ___________.
sternoclavicular joint, scapulothoracic joint, the acromioclavicular joint, and the glenohumeral joint
physical property of a material associated with the ability to be hammered thin or stretched into wire without breaking
easily broken, cracked, or snapped; easily disrupted, overthrown, or damaged (Kinesiology term)
I am part of the respiratory system, and also known as the voice box. I am called the ___________.