Building relationships, so when you need help, these individuals can be used to support and advise you is called
Which section below is NOT included on a job application?
A ___________________ is a person who can give information to potential employers about your character and your abilities.
Which of the following is NOT acceptable attire at any job interview?
Which of the following would make the best impression during an interview?
Making eye contact
What is the FIRST thing you should do when you begin to complete a job application?
Survey the entire application
During an interview you should ALWAYS answer ALL questions
Which of the strategies below is the MOST likely to help you get a job?
Which of the following should you NOT do when preparing for an interview?
Call the interviewer at home
A ______________________ is a small booth that some large companies set up to allow job applicants to apply for a job using a computer system.
Should not use personal information (A name is acceptable)
Should be professional
Which of the tasks below is something that you should NOT do when applying and interviewing for a job?
have professional photographs taken
What activities can a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor do to assist you in preparing for an interview?
Provide training in job seeking
Assist in researching companies and positions b.
Conduct mock job interviews
If you see the abbreviation FT on a want ad, what does that tell you about the job?
It is 40 hours per week.
When should you send a thank you letter to an employer?
after any interview
Which of the following is NOT included in the Employment History section of a job application?
List three examples of resources or people that could help you search for and apply for jobs.
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Guidance counselors
Family Members
Employment Security Commission
Career Center at the local Community College
Somequestionsonajobapplicationareconsideredoptional,which means they do not require an answer. List two questions that would be optional on a job application.
What is your race/ethnicity?
What is your gender?
What is your date of birth?
You have just arrived at a job interview, and you have made a great first impression by greeting the interviewer by name, smiling, and shaking his/her hand. Describe what you will do and how you will act to continue to make a good impression.
Make eye contact.
Sit up in your seat.
Lean forward slightly.
Keep a slight smile on your face.
Do make small movements and gestures.
Look natural.
Awantadisasmalladvertisementthatabusinessusestoindicateajob opening. A want ad features several details about the job. List three things that you would find in a want ad.
Company Name or Location
Job Title/Position
Salary/Hourly Rate/Starting Wage
Skills Required
Contact Information
How to Apply