When is the official report of time and effort (WebTime Entry) due?
This official report of time and effort is due before 5pm on the last day of the month.
When should all NEP staff send in finished class series data?
Beginning and middle of month along with the receipts to save postage. (Reporting calendar says to send along with receipts on the 1st and 15th.)
Where can I find approved recipes to prepare for NEP classes?
On the Buy, Eat, Live Better webpage called: http://www.buyeatlivebetter.org /recipes.html or the ESBA Cookbook.
Who is the primary audience that we aim to reach in Montana?
The Buy Eat Live Better NEP seeks to reach low-income families and individuals to improve their nutritional and physical well-being. Specifically, parents and guardians who manage the food resources in the household are our primary audience because they are the gatekeepers of available food and physical activity opportunities for themselves and children.
Where can I go to find a list of organizations that the NEP recommends I reach out to?
P. 28 of the NEP Guidelines provides a list of primary recruitment locations or community partners.
This two-page Excel worksheet report of activities and informal report of time is due electronically the last day of the month.
How does the NEP conduct evaluation?
The State Office collects success stories, class participation records, Mid-Year Narratives, and surveys taken before and after youth and adult programming to describe changes in participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.
Can I use recipes that were formerly part of the NEP but are no longer included on the recipes website?
To maintain the fidelity of the adult and youth curricula (including provision of Nutrition Facts labels with each recipe), no other resources, old curriculum components, activities, or recipes are to be added to the adult or youth curricula.
Which specific populations does EFNEP aim to serve?
This federal grant focuses on low-income families, with an emphasis on pregnant woman, pregnant teens, parents with young children, and families with older youth and other adult caregivers (grandparents) who have the primary responsibility for feeding young children. Furthermore, EFNEP’s focus is on children in at least kindergarten, not on early childhood education age groups.
What is the goal of the NEP?
To improve individuals’ healthy food and physical activity behaviors to prevent obesity and chronic disease
At what point should field person contact the state office to alert of absence?
When the staff person is planning to or, because of sickness or an emergency, are gone three days or more.
To whom are 4-H Youth Enrollment Forms sent after completion?
Bring to every class and fill in accurate attendance numbers in each of the six boxes. When completed, send the original to the NEP state office and provide a copy to your County 4H Agent.
What resource can help me to pick a recipe for an adult ESBA class with fewer than 5 participants?
Recipes to use with 1-4 class participants
How do you determine if a participant is eligible for SNAP-ed and EFNEP?
A person enrolled in any other federal nutrition or welfare program (for example, WIC, FDPIR, TANF, free/reduced school meals), who is below 185% the Federal Poverty rate, and displays these qualifying areas on an Entry Form.
What is partnering?
Refers to developing a relationship with a partner agency or organization that is mutually supportive and beneficial to both partners, as well as the NEP target audience. Partnering can lead to class locations, opportunities for recruitment, and possible opportunities for referrals for an NEP county or reservation site.
Can NEP employees still choose to follow either State or County Holiday schedules?
No, per 2018 MSU Human Resources guidance, all NEP employees must take State holidays.
What is the purpose of the Adult Sign-In sheet?
The official record of which lesson, on which date, each participant attended with the participant’s initials as proof of attendance. (Not an "X.") The student worker verifies the number of classes each participant attended by counting the number of initials on the sign-in sheet. This helps us to document the number of lessons attended and whether or not they graduated
Do you have to include a youth tasting?
The educator does not have to include this part of the lesson if the educator does not have at least 45 minutes to teach the lesson.
Who should NEP staff contact before teaching at a new site to ensure eligibility and teaching to the target audience?
NEP staff should contact the Director or Assistant Direct.
What should I have visible to participants?
Always have the “Justice for All” poster visible during classes. Use the easel to set up the poster on the table, or tape the poster to the table
Name at least 4 of the 6 items that must be visible on receipts sent to the state office
The store name, store location, date of purchase, items purchased, subtotal and total payment.
What paperwork should an adult participant complete when joining a series after Lesson 1? Please address the paperwork, sign-in, and submission of the class series paperwork packet.
Every adult participant listed on the Adult Sign-in Sheet should have an Entry Form that is completed on the first class that she/he attends. Even if the participant attends first on the 9th lesson, he/she should fill out the Entry Form to determine eligibility.
What, how much, and how should you serve the HOM item and how do I report this?
Field Staff may serve a Montana Harvest of the Month (HOM) item that the school team decides to feature (except for beef). Serve the HOM food item in a tasting of ½ cup (or less) in place of a YUM approved recipe. When serving HOM items, note “HOM” and the name of the food item in the ‘Recipe’ column of the Monthly Contact Summary.
How does the NEP decide which schools to serve?
Schools with free and reduced price lunch participation at 50% or greater is reported to the Office of Public Instruction for the year prior to writing the SNAP-Ed and EFNEP plans.
How many events should NEP staff schedule when planning travel away from the County Extension Office? What counts as an “event”?
Schedule a minimum of two events (E.g. Youth or adult classes, Face-to-face recruitment of potential participants at a health fair or event, Approved PSE meetings or project activities, New partner meeting with agency director, Teaching a mini-lesson to agency staff to encourage participant referrals) when planning travel away from the County Extension Office