Fundamentals #2
Med Surg

Potassium is needed for neural, muscle, and ______ function.
Skeletal or Cardiac?


The nurse is preparing to give a vaccination for an infant. At which site should the nurse plan to administer the injection?
A. Vastus Lateralis
B. Gluteus Maximus
C. Recus Femoris
D. Gluteus Medius

C. Rectus Femoris

After a class on pharmacokinetics, the nursing students can correctly choose which site for the metabolism of most drugs:
A. Kidneys
B. Liver
C. Plasma
D. Intestinal mucosa


   A nurse is preparing to present information about ibuprofen at a community ehalth promotion conference. Which actions will henurse illustrate during the presentation? Select all that apply.

A. Antipruritic
B. Anti-inflammatory 
C. Analgesic 
D. Antipyretic

E. Antibacterial


A nurse is having problems communicating with a client. Which statement by the nurse would open up the most dialogue with the client? 
A. Are you having a good day?
B. Would you like to get out of bed?
C. You just got back from therapy? Tell me about it.
D. Is there something upsetting you?

C. You just got back from therapy? Tell me about it.


The nurse is providing education to a community about creation of a safe exercise program. Which teaching will the nurse include? Select all that apply
A. Eat proteins before exercising.
B.Wear supportive shoes. 
C. See a health care provider prior to starting an exercise program.
D. Build up to 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days. 
E. Dress in layers according to temperature.


A nurse is preparing to administer a prescribed drug via an intramuscular injection. Which would be most appropriate for the nurse to do? Select all that apply.
A. Always wear gloves. 
B. Recap the needle
C. Cleanse skin at injection site. 
D. Place pressure on the area after removing the needle. 
E. Aspirate after inserting the needle unless contraindicated.


After teaching a group of nursing students about pain and pain assessment, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify which statements as true about pain? Select all that apply.
A. Pain experienced by one person is different from another. 
B. Assessment of pain intensity and duration are most important. 
C. Failure to assess pain is often a major factor in undertreating pain
D. Assessment of location is most important.

What is A and C?

What are recommended guidelines for daily care of an indwelling Foley catheter? Select all that apply. 
A. Use an antiseptic cleaning agent or plain soap and water on a clean washcloth. 
B. Inspect the meatus for drainage and note the characteristics of the urine.
C. Slightly pull on the catheter during the cleaning motion to dislodge crusts.
D.Clean 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm) of the catheter, moving from the meatus downward.
E. Always keep catheter bag on the floor for better drainage.

A. Use an antiseptic cleaning agent or plain soap and water on a clean washcloth.   
B. Inspect the meatus for drainage and note the characteristics of the urine.
D. Clean 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm) of the catheter, moving from the meatus downward.


At what point should the nurse perform the first of the three checks of medication administration?

A. As the nurse reaches for the drug package or container.
B. When reviewing the clients MAR
C. When matching medication to MAR
D. After medications are ready

Prior to administering a prescribed drug, the nurse determines the correct client by which method? Select all that apply.
A. Checking a client's name on his or the wristband B. Using a current picture of the client if available  C. Asking the client to identify themselves and give their birth date 
D. Checking a client's chart
E. Address the client and ask them to repeat their name


A client with glaucoma is scheduled for a minor surgical procedure of short duration. In the middle of the surgery the nursing student asks why the client was not given atropine to dry up respiratory secretions. The best response by the healthcare team member is which?
A. Atropine is contraindicated because of the client's medical disorder (glaucoma).
B.   The client is generally healthy and does not face a risk from respiratory secretions.
C.   The surgery is not long so atropine is unnecessary.
D.   The client does not have insurance and so will receive only a few drugs to control costs.


A client is prescribed an opioid analgesic. The nurse is teaching the client about the need to avoid ingesting alcohol with the drug to prevent an interaction which would potentiate the effects of the analgesic. The nurse is describing which event?
A. Incompatability
B. Synergism
C. Antagonism
D. Tolerance

B. Synergism


A client with common cold, difficulty in breathing, and a stuffy nose is prescribed a nasal medication. When administering the medication, how can the nurse provide support and aid in positioning?
A. Instruct client to breathe through their mouth.
B. Place a rolled towel or pillow behind the client's neck.
C.Help the client into a sitting position with the head tilted backward.
D. Place the tip of the canister towards the side of the clients nostril.


The nurse realizes that errors in drug calculations are caused by which factors? Select all that apply.
A. Interruptions 
B.Taxing workload  
C.Small nurse-client ratio
D. Poor lighting
E. Human Error

What is A B D E

A 29-year-old female client in labor has just received epidural anesthesia. Before the procedure her blood pressure was 120/78 and her pulse was 60 bpm. Now her blood pressure is 100/60 and her pulse is 80 bpm. She reports a metallic taste in her mouth, hears a ringing in her ears, and appears confused. What is this client most likely experiencing?
A. Anxiety related to administration of an epidural
B.   A normal adverse effect of local anesthesia
C. Signs of preeclampsia
D. Systemic toxicity from local anesthesia


The nurse should advise someone taking a sublingual drug to avoid doing what? Select all that apply.
A. Chewing the drug
B. Taking on an empty stomach.
C. Swallowing the drug 
D. Taking the drug before meals
E. Smoking and Drinking

A, C, D, E

Which nursing strategy should the nurse employ to enhance the teaching/learning process for a client who is noncompliant with inhalers?
A.  T he nurse should contact the client’s physician for a trial use of a spacer.
B. The nurse should use a nebulizer to make it easier for the client.
C. The nurse should assess the mucous membranes.
D. The nurse should provide simple written instructions


Which of the following abbreviations would the nurse make sure to avoid using in care plans, nurses' notes, or medical orders at accredited health care organizations? Select all that apply.
A. IU 
D. AC  
E. 2.0 mg

What is A C E?

There are different stages of anethesia the client will go through in surgery. The circulating nurse is aware that extra caution is needed during which stage of general anesthesia, when the client may experience brief periods of delirium and excitement?
A. Stage I
B. Stage IV
C. Stage II
D. Stage III

What is Stage 2