1st Conditional
2nd Conditional
Mix 1
Mix 2
Create your own

If it rains, we (not/to go).

If it rains, we will not go.


We (help) you if we (know) how.

We would help you if we knew how. 


First Conditional

If I ___________ (see) John, I ___________ (tell) him your news.

 If I see John, I will tell him your news.


First Conditional

He ___________ (lose) weight if he ___________ (stop) eating so much.

He will lose weight if he stops eating so much.


Make a first conditional sentence.

you/ (get) back late/ I (be) angry.

 If you get back late I will be angry.

If they come, I (to be) really surprised.
If they come, I will be really surprised.

He (learn) karate, if he (have) more time

He would learn karate, if he had more time.


First Conditional

You ___________ (meet) my brother if you ___________ (go) to town on Monday.

 You will meet my brother if you go to town on Monday.


First Conditional

If you ___________ (wait) for a moment, the waiter ___________ (bring) you a coffee.

If you wait for a moment, the waiter will bring you a coffee.


Make a second conditional sentence.

(To win) a lot of money/ (to buy) a big house in the country.

If I won a lot of money, I’d buy a big house in the country.

You (to regret) it if you eat all that cake!
You will regret it if you eat all that cake.

If we (have) a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas.

If we had a yacht, we would sail the seven seas.


Second Conditional

Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she ___________ (sleep) longer, her health ___________ (improve) fast. 

Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she slept longer, her health would improve fast. 


Second Conditional

If Peter ___________ (ask) Marry, I'm sure she ___________ (marry) him.

If Peter asked Marry, I'm sure she would marry him.


Make a first conditional sentence. (The weather / to be as sunny tomorrow as it was today / we / to go surfing)

If the weather is as sunny tomorrow as it was today, we will go surfing

I think he (to come) if you invite him.
I think he will come if you invite him.

She ___________ (get) fit if she ___________ (walk) 3 km every day.

She would get fit if she walked 3 km every day.


Second Conditional

I ___________ (understand) Mr. Brown if he ___________ (speak) slowly.

 I would understand Mr. Brown if he spoke slowly.


Second Conditional

If you ___________ (give) him good meals, he ___________ (not be able) to work hard. He would be too lazy to work then. 

If you gave him good meals, he wouldn't be able  to work hard. He would be too lazy to work then.   


Make a second conditional sentence.

You/ (to make) a fortune/ if you (take)/ my advice. Too bad!

You would make a fortune if you took my advice. Too bad!


He ___________ (find) the answers if he ___________ (look) at the back of the book.

He will find the answers if he looks at the back of the book.


If I (live) on a lonely island, I (run) around naked all day.

If I lived on a lonely island, I would run around naked all day.


 Second Conditional

If he ___________ (promise) to behave in the future, his mum ___________ (forgive) him.

If he promised to behave in the future, his mum would forgive him.


Second Conditional

Life ___________ (be) monotonous if we ___________ (have) nothing to do. 

 Life would be monotonous if we had nothing to do. 


Make a second conditional sentence. (I / to meet a genie / I / to ask him for three wishes)

If I met a genie I would ask him for three wishes.
