Green Light

How do the flowers reference hope?

They reference hope because for Gatsby, Daisy is portrayed as a flower that is pure and beautiful and this is how Gatsby remembers Daisy and hopes that when they reunite she is still the same person and the love is still there. 


Where is the green light located?

It is at the end of Daisy's dock, across the lake from Gatsby's home.

What does the clock represent in Gatsby?

Represents time

past, present, and the future


When Gatsby and Daisy reunited, how was the weather outside?

Pouring rain


What is the meaning and significance of using the Daisy (flower) and Myrtle (flower) for the characters in The Great Gatsby?

Daisy's (the flower) represent innocence, purity, and beauty, which is everything Gatsby believes of Daisy even though the readers know this to be false. Her true attributes are money, social status, and selfishness.

Myrtle’ (the flower) representing love and marriage which is ironic considering she is cheating on her husband and her marriage falls apart.


What does the green light mean to Gatsby?

Stands for Gatsby's hope, dreams and future with Daisy.


In what chapter did the clock first appear?

in chapter five


What was Gatsby response when his gardener wanted to drain the pool?

He did not want the pool to be drained


"The flowers were unnecessary, for at two o'clock a green-house arrived from Gatsby's with innumerable receptacles to contain it (84). " When does this quote take place and does a green-house actually arrive from Gatsby's house? Explain. 

This is when Gatsby is going to reunite with Daisy and Gatsby orders many flowers to put in Nicks house. Nick says that Gatsby has sent so many flowers it is as if Gatsby sent a green house over. Gatsby wants to please and welcome Daisy by ordering all the flowers.


How does Nick describe the green light when he vaguely sees it?

..."minute and far away...", Nick describes ______ as within a quote.


True or False, 

Daisy becomes the centre focus of Gatsby's world and imagination. 



When Tom and Gatsby had their confrontation, it was the beginning of Autumn/cool




Why doesn't Tom appreciate/treat the flowers in his life right?

Tom has everything a young man living in the twenties could ever want. Daisy never wanted to marry him and never had much interest in him. Daisy was well off with money and Tom wanted to feel like someone needed him. He cheats on Daisy with Myrtle who is from the valley of Ashes and he feels that he can give her so much. However he doesn't treat them right because he believes that he is entitled and should be allowed to do whatever he wants.  


"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year receded before us. It eluded us then, but thats no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther..." is one of the most famous quotes in Gatsby and is a metaphor for...

The American Dream.


The clock represents a passage of time as well as Gatsby’s inability to stop time from moving forward, breaking the ‘face’ is another attempt to stop time, it is also a way to snap Gatsby into what?

 Into his problems of a non-state dream.


When the weather turned cool and autumn begun, Gatsby had entered his defeat




What do the flowers in the story reveal about real life? 

Flower imagery bring out the idea of life and death and the inevitable downfall of beautiful things.


How does Gatsby feel as he looks out into the green light with Daisy in his arms?

Gatsby had a sense of the green light now just being a regular object and was absorbed into that fact, upset that he was now finally holding onto the dream and hope that came from the green light.


“We’ve met before,” muttered Gatsby...Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of his head, whereupon he turned and caught it...and set it back in place.” 

What does this quote represent?

Gatsby wanting to go back to the past, and catch up with lost time


How did the weather during Tom and Gatsby confrontation reflect their moods?

The hot and intense sun are symbolic to their moods because it was a very heated and intense confrontation
