
Wise Way #1 is using ________________

Brain over _____________ Brain

What is Wizard Brain over Lizard Brain.


Wise Way #2 encourages you to use your _________________ of ____________ in order to resolve problems

Constellation of Support.

Wise Way #3 is to ________________

______ _______ ________s. 

Recognize Red Flag Warnings. 


This is the 4th Wise Way that helps you recognize the types and intensity of emotions.

What is Exit the Emotions Elevator?


Who has problems?

Everyone: your parents, your teachers, and students of all ages.

This is your "emotional brain".

What is Lizard Brain.


T or F: The more people you have in your constellation of support, the more likely you are able to resolve your problem.



This is the first step to prevent problems

What is realizing when you are about to have a problem?


It is easier to get off on this floor of the emotions elevator due to the fact that each floor of the elevator represents stronger and stronger emotions.

What is the 1st floor of the emotions elevator?


What are 3 main types of problems?

Big problems, medium problems and small problems?


This is your "thinking brain"

 What is Wizard Brain.


T or F: The only ones that can be in my constellation of support are members of my immediate family.

False, everyone can be in your constellation of support from your parents, brothers and sisters to your cousins, aunts/uncles and teachers. 

These are the two types of Red Flags that warn you when something is wrong or a problem is about to happen.

What are "inside" and "outside" problems. 


This strategy of getting off of the emotions elevator involves telling yourself to be careful about the messages you send to your brain. 

What is yackety-yack self-talk back?


How do you get the Wizard brain into action?

By stopping and thinking?


This is where your Lizard brain is located.

What is the back of your head.


T or F: Different people in the community are able to provide different types of support.

True: a teacher can provide a different type of support than a policeman or the principal. The best way to activate your constellation of support is by knowing who to ask.

Examples of this would include feeling hot, your stomach hurting, a rapid heartbeat, feeling like you might throw up or weak in the knees.

What are "inside" Red Flags that your body sends you that tells you there might be a problem?


This way of getting off of the emotions elevator involves taking quick action to prevent the Lizard Brain from taking over. The first step is to stop talking and the second step is to leave. 

What is stop talking and leave?


Give an example of a big problem, a medium problem and a small problem.

Big problems affect large numbers of people (over 10) and/or can be life-threatening or life-altering.

Medium problems affect a smaller number of people (3-5) and are generally not life-threatening but can have a long-lasting impact (6 mos to a year)

Small problems affect 1 or 2 people and are generally short in duration. 


This is where your Wizard Brain is located.

What is the front of your head.


T or F: Everyone I meet is able and willing to provide me the same level of support in my constellation of support. 

False: not every person in your network is able or willing to provide the same level of support. Some are willing to help with anything, some are only able/willing to provide minimal support and some people in your network are not able/willing to provide support at all. 

Examples of this Red Flag might be crying, shouting, hitting or shaking your fists. 

What are "outside" Red Flags that warn us if there is a problem?


This way of getting off the emotions elevator involves taking your mind off the problem until you are able to lower your emotions.

What is Do Something Else?


This is the 5th Wise Way that helps you distinguish between what you know to be true and what you merely think might be true. 

What is Separate Fact from Opinion?
