Matter and Its Interactions
Motion and Stability
Forces and Energy
Lab Protocol

What state of matter has a definite shape and volume?

A. Solid

B. Liquid

C. Gas

D. Plasma

A. Solid


As you heat up matter, describe what happens to the speed of the molecules that make up the substance (for example, heating up metal).

The molecules speed up


What are the two factors that determine the force of gravity?

Mass and distance apart


What is science?

  1. A method of testing and understanding the world around us

  2. People in lab coats who look really cool

  3. A collection of proven facts

  4. Singing the Periodic Table song loud and clear for all to hear

  • A method of testing and understanding the world around us


When you look into a pond and see a fish, the fish is actually lower than its apparent location.  What best describes the change in light's direction as it enters the pond?

A. Reflection

B. Refraction

C. Transmission

D. Absorption

B. Refraction


If you are trying to dissolve more salt in a solution without adding more water, what is one way that you can do this?

Heat up the solution


What is the force that slows down motion?



Which simple machine has the ability to change the direction of the force applied by the user?

1. Hammer

2. Wedge

3. Pulley

4. Inclined Plane

3. Pulley


Which of the following are considered safety equipment found in our classroom?

  1.  an eyewash station

  2.  a first aid kit

  3.  a fire extinguisher

  4. all of the above

all of the above


What do we call the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see with our eyes?

Visible light or visible spectrum


Describe condensation (specifically, what are the phase changes that take place) and give one example.

Condensation is when gas --> liquid, water forming on the outside of a cold glass of water


When evaluating a roller coaster, where would you find the greatest potential energy?

1. When the roller coaster is going the slowest

2. At the lowest point on the track

3. When the roller coaster is going the fastest

4. At the highest point on the roller coaster

4. At the highest point on the roller coaster


What is the unit we use to record force?

1. Newtons

2. Gravity

3. Watts

4. Grams (or kg)

1. Newtons


Which safety precaution could (and should) always be taken when working with hot glass, metal, or liquids?

Eye wear, gloves, close toed shoes


On ROY G. BIV, which color has the shortest wavelength?



Describe how a thermometer works. (what happens in a thermometer to allow us to determine the temperature)

As the temperature rises, the liquid expands and rises.  As the temperature lowers, the liquid contracts (shrinks) and lowers.


A paperboy rode his bike at 10 meters per second. After being chased by a dog for 10 seconds, he was traveling 30 meters per second. What is his acceleration? (units = m/s2)

3 m/s2


What is the difference in force experienced by these two objects?

Force = mass x acceleration

1. a 5-kg object accelerating at 20 m/s2

2. a 20-kg object accelerating at 4 m/s2

Difference = 20 N


True or False: We only need to be careful with the supplies we know are potentially harmful.



Explain why we see lightning before we hear the thunder.

Light travels faster than sound.


What is the difference between sublimation and melting?

Sublimation is solid --> gas

Melting is solid --> liquid

Describe the change in potential and kinetic energy as an object undergoes free fall. (____ energy turns into ____ energy because _____)

Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the object falls because the object gains speed while lowering in height.


If you were to throw a baseball straight towards the catcher, describe what would happen to the path of the baseball as it travels through the air.

The baseball will gradually fall towards Earth.


If you come across something that is confusing or you don't understand during a lab, what should you do?

Ask the teacher for guidance


What are the particles called that make up light?

