What is Mrs. Bammer's favorite place to vacation?
Where did we go for our second field trip of the year?
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Sound travels in _________________.
What did Native Americans use to make their boats and baskets waterproof?
How many meters are in a kilometer?
What are the names of Mrs. Damato's cats?
Dylan and Cooper
We had our first marketplace right before which holiday?
What are the three kinds of rock? Sedimentary, metamorphic and _______________.
Mr. Tom Fay came to speak to us about his famous historical family who got lost in the mountains on the way to California. What was their name?
Who was Peter's best friend in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing?
Jimmy Fargo
What university does Mrs. Thomas' son attend?
UC Irvine
What does PAL stand for?
Peer Assistance Leader
When a roller coaster climbs to the top of a high hill, it is gaining a lot of _____________________.
Potential energy
What year did California become a state?
How do you write fifty-five hundredths?
What is the date of Mrs. Dwight's birthday?
October 30
During which month did we "sail" on the Pilgrim?
Electricity must have a ________________ circuit in order to work.
Which entrepreneur developed a softer, more long-lasting fabric that many miners used?
Levi Strauss
What is the name of the long-haired miner that needed a haircut and shave from Praiseworthy in By the Great Horn Spoon?
Quartz Jackson
How many years in total have your teachers been teaching fourth grade at TOW?
Which musical did we perform second?
"Missions and More"
What organ pumps blood to all the rest of the body?
The heart
In the early 1800s, most trappers came to California to find what type of fur?
In Island of the Blue Dolphins, what is Karana's brother's name?