Longest book in the Bible (by verse)
Book & chapter that tells the Fall of Mankind
Genesis 3
How long was Jesus' ministry on Earth?
3 Years
How long was Noah building the ark?
100 Years
The "Good News" about Jesus
How many books are there in the Bible
Created on the 4th Day
Sun, Moon, & Stars
Restoring the severed ear of Malchus (the servant of the high priest)
2 men that did not taste death
Enoch & Elijah
"So be it" and/or "I agree"
How many books in the Old Testament
10 Commandments
1. Love The Lord Your God & Have No Other Gods
2. No Idols
3. Don't Use His Name in Vain
4. Keep Sabbath Day Holy
5. Honor Your Mother & Father
6. Don't Murder
7. Don't Commit Adultery
8. Don't Steal
9. Don't Lie
10. Don't Covet
Shortest verse in the Bible
John 11:35
How many brothers did Goliath have?
An agreement
What is the 10th book of the Bible?
2 Samuel
How long Abraham waited for a son
25 Years
Name of the Twelve (12 disciples of Jesus)
Simon (Peter), Andrew, James (son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaues, Simon, Judas
Most handsome man in the Bible
Absalom (son of David)
To make up for a wrong act; to become friends with God again
Shortest Book in the Bible (by verse)
2 John
What is the Pentateuch?
First 5 Books of the Bible
Which 3 out of the 4 Gospels are synoptic?
Matthew, Mark, & Luke
How many commandments in the Bible?
a "ruling father" Abraham, Isaac, Jacob