Irving Documents 2018-2019
Where will you find most of the important information you will need?
Learning Targets
What is purposeful, meaningful, and should be posted every day?
lesson plans
What should be uploaded and shared with Chris by Monday mornings at the latest?
August 28th
When does every classroom have to be in compliance with fire codes?
The Weekly Update
Da Weekly
la actualizaciĆ³n semanal
What is the first form of communication to answer your questions?
What is no longer allowed for use in the classrooms?
special education staff
Who can make colored copies on the copier in the innovation station?
Yes, look in "Specials, Lunch, Recess, Duty Schedules for 2018-19."
Do I have a duty?
How many fire drills will we have in September and October?
Becky Hardgrove
Who is Irving's school nurse?
Sub Folder
What should every teacher have completed by September 10th?
Tuesday Mornings
What morning is SACRED and shall be reserved for meetings?
Daily Double!
How much are you willing to wager?
What should be free from any hanging materials?
Classroom communication plan, building security, handbook verification and iPad agreement form
What are topics to discuss at open house?
What should NOT be held in the classroom?
What needs to be given to Gail for safe keeping?
head injuries
What should always be communicated with parents?
Oh no you didn't!
What will Erin say if you take resources out of the book room without checking them out?
see photos
Does this look like your room?
Texting Parents
Talking to parents about children other than their own
Sharing information about students who are not in your classroom.
What is a no-no?
It's in the Weekly?
What is the response Chris would like to use several times each day?
Who is a mandated reporter?
Academic Mindset, Content Mastery, Problem Solving, Collaboration, Communication, Self-Directed Learning
What are the Deeper Learning Competencies?
classroom doors
What cannot be blocked or covered in paper?
Gail, Sue, and Kathy
Who are Irving's secretaries?