This is the implantable form of buprenorphine
What is Probuphine
This was the reason Suboxone was originally created
It began as a pain reliever for treating severe, chronic pain. In very small doses it proved to more effective than morphine.
This is the 3 most common side effect of Suboxone
Suboxone is just replacing one drug for another
False- it is dependence on a medication. It does not meet the criteria for a disease.
Name another program of recovery than NA/AA
Smart recovery, celebrate recovery, refuge recovery, various online recovery groups, life ring...
True or False. There are only two forms of buprenorphine/naloxone. The strips and the generic pill.
False- There are numerous forms of the medication
This is the year (within 5 years) that Buprenorphine was FDA approved
Buprenorphine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1981.
These are the risks of drinking alcohol or taking benzodiazepines while on Suboxone
Explain how there is an opioid AND an opioid blocker in the same medication
The Narcan/Naloxone is poorly absorbed when taken by mouth.
Besides abstinence, name two other things essential for recovery
Honesty, open mindedness and willingness
This is the name of Buprenorphine/Naloxone that is you can stick on the inside of your cheek.
What is Bunavail
This is the year (within 5 years) Suboxone and Subutex brands were FDA approved
In the United States, buprenorphine (Subutex) and buprenorphine with naloxone (Suboxone) were approved for opioid addiction by the United States Food and Drug Administration in October 2002.
Methadone is harder to get off than Suboxone
Methadone is simply a different medication. It is based on how quickly you taper, your discomfort tolerance, genetic makeup, etc.
Is it better to taper quickly or over a long period of time?
Family should not be involved in treatment
Addiction is a family disease and must be treated as such. If you get well and your family doesn't or vice versa, there will be problems
What is Sublicade
Heroin used to be legal. True or False?
True- Bayer company for severe coughing
Is it easier or harder to switch from Suboxone to Methadone or Methadone to Suboxone?
Methadone to Suboxone
Suboxone has greater success when given to someone as a detox medication rather than maintenance
Maintenance is absolutely the preferred method
175 daily
OD deaths last year
number of people who die in PA every day from OD (likely under-reported)
This is the name of the form of medication that is equivilent to 8mg/2mg buprenorphine/naloxone at 5.7mg/1.2mg.
What is Zubsolv
This is the year alcoholism was classified a disease. How about addiction?
I need to have surgery. I can't do this on Suboxone, right?
You can. It depends on the surgeon and anesthesiologist how they want you to proceed with it
You are not in recovery while on MAT
WRONG: What is recovery to you? So many different pathways
A prescription is not needed for this medication although a pharmacist does fill it.
What is Naloxone.