Where do you go to take attendance?
Click on my number on the Smartboard.
What does "Smart Spot" mean?
A spot that is best for me.
What voice level should be used in the bathroom?
Level 0 or 1
What if I need a sharpened pencil.
Put the dull one in the basket and take a new one from the pencil basket.
What voice level do we use in the hallway?
Level 0
Where is the Question of the Day located?
On the wall by all the math materials.
Yes, you can change seats.
Which bathrooms does our class use?
The ones by Mrs. Burnett's room.
What happens if I make a big mistake and need an eraser?
Erasers are in the blue bucket. (return when finished)
How should be move through the hallway? (walk, run, skip)
Walk at all times.
What will I know what to do for morning work?
Choices are located on the rolling cart by the outside door. Papers will be located on the horseshoe table.
Can someone take my spot?
If you get up and do not leave materials behind, someone can take your spot. Also no saving seats.
How many people can be in the bathroom at one time?
2- one boy and one girl
Where do I find supplies that I don't have?
Extra supplies are on the red cart. Just return when finished.
Where do lunches go?
They go in the white basket with the blue ribbon in the hallway.
Where should I turn in important papers?
Turn into the blue turn in tray. This is also where Rosters will go on Tuesday.
Should I write on any of the seats?
Keep all pencils, markers, crayons and scissors away from seats.
How do I let the teacher know there is someone in the bathroom?
You turn on the light by the classroom door. Please remember to turn it off when you return.
What do I do if I am bleeding or have a bug bite?
Get the things you need out of the first aide tote off the back shelf.
What is the Raider Way?
Respectful, Responsible and Safe
Which seat do I choose?
You may choose any seat you wish. Make good choices!
Does the teacher have the right to move me?
When is a good time to use the bathroom?
When the teacher is not teaching.
Where should I put my chromebook if I am not using it?
Where do bus riders and car riders line up in the hallway?
Bus riders line up by Mrs. Howe's room. Car riders line up by the ESL room.