Majority of an aide's work day
What is "Work with students."
Build relationships with students and co-workers.
What is the most important thing an aide can do?
10 days
Maximum number of days aides can "take off" work in a year.
Phones, gum, flip flops, shorts
What are not allowed?
Classroom teacher
Who will aides typically sub for? or Who gets you a sub if you are subbing for your classroom teacher.
Carpool, playground, pod, meet with teacher
What are the aide responsibilities in the morning?
Love and Logic
What is the school wide management plan?
Usually the second Thursday of each month, in the MPR at 8:15
What are monthly aide meetings?
Back parking lot or new side lot
What is "Where do employees park?"
Sub list (google sheets), email, direct contact
What are ways that you can be offered a sub job?
7:55/ when you hear the first bell
When do you line kids up and bring them in the building?
Straight line, quiet, hands down, hair stare, not stretched out, not running.
What is "How to walk a class through the halls?"
Small group, whole group, one-on-one
What is how aides work with kids?
Highly personal information, information about other students or parents, things you hear about teachers and students.
What is considered unprofessional or unethical conversations?
Typically $11 an hour, unless your base rate is already higher than that.
What is sub pay?
7:30 breakfast, 7:30 crosswalk, MS lunch
What are extra duties aides can work?
Refer that parent to the teacher.
"What do you do if a parent asks you about the class or a student?"
Jump in and help
What should an aide do if she has no immediate assignment at the moment?
When are you considered "late" for work?
You are unable to come to work.
When do YOU have to get your own sub?
Copy, cut, laminate, sharpen pencils, hang up coats, find lunches, comfort kids, .... etc.
What are all the "extra things" that aides do every day?
Anne: mornings or Perry: Afternoons
Who do you take a student to if there's a serious problem on the playground?
Walk kids to the Prideland Cafe, help kids get settled, wipe tables, sweep floors, take kids to recess, bring back to class.
What is a typical "lunch duty" for aides?
Go directly to the person first, then Admin only if necessary.
"How to handle a disagreement or concern with another employee?"
After or before your regular work hours.
When can you sub for someone else in the building?