True or False
Chase wants to teach Elementary students in the private school system.
Chase wants to teach Elementary school students in the public school system.
What is Chase's favourite sport?
What is the name of Chase's cat?
What stereotype does Chase say is true for people from Canada and from Toronto?
We are very (too) polite
What colour are Chase's eyes?
Blue / Green
10 weeks
What is Chase's favourite professional Soccer club team?
Bayern Munich
What subway station does Chase live close to?
St. Clair West Station
Which landmark in Toronto does Chase say is a little boring to go to?
Which famous Toronto rapper does Chase share a birthday with?
**Extra Points
What city did he teach in?
What is the image of Chase's tattoo?
**Extra Points
Where is it?
On his calf
What is the name of the nude (naked) beach on the Toronto Island?
Hanlan's Point Beach
Which market does Chase say to go to for parties?
It is right next to China Town.
Who did Chase go travelling with when he taught ESL for a year in another country?
What professional sports team is Chase's favourite in the world?
Which area of the city does Chase always say is the best?
**Hint Which end of the city?
Which other city in Canada has Chase lived in?
What is the name of Chase's wife?