This teacher has long brown hair and uses sign language
Ms. Athena
Our classroom number is...
What movie did we go see at the end of last school year
The Incredibles 2
This student has glasses and uses sign language
This student loves his cell phone, instagram and dancing
This teacher has short brown hair and speaks two languages
Ms. Fariba
This is where you can check out books and magazines
The Library
What is a buttery, salty treat you eat at the movies
This student loves root beer and playing on the computer
This student has black, curly hair and she loves drawing and making powerpoints
This teacher has blond hair and is wearing her hair in a ponytail
Ms. Lisa
The cafeteria
What time does 1st period start?
8:05 am
This student loves Toy Story and has brown, curly hair
This student loves to draw, go to ceramics class and eat cinnamon rolls
This teacher has blond hair and blue eyes
Ms. Drake
Mrs. Todd
What is the name of the cat that Ms. Lilley likes to draw?
This student's last name is Aiyer
This student is new to our classroom. He likes sports and he has black hair
This teacher is the coolest teacher ever!!
Ms. Lilley
This is the Redmond High School mascot
The Mustang
Where do we go for movement break?
The gym
This student is new to our classroom. He loves running and has the same color hair as Ms. Lilley
This student loves to eat! He likes gummy bears, chex mix and cheetos.