JC 101
Infection Control
Patient Safety

All hospital employees must be wearing this in patient care areas.

What is the Employee ID Badge?


Most important task in reducing the spread of infection.

What is hand washing?


When do you use write down/read back?

What is telephone orders?


Describe the process of advance directive documentation at SEORMC.

What is documentation upon admission if the patient has an advance directive?  Request a copy if not on file in the medical record and document that you requested a copy. 


What is a high alert medication list and what is required with high alert medications?

What is medications with specific precautions due to the higher risk of causing patient harm.  Double check with 2 RN's prior to administration.

How do we identify a patient prior to medication administration?

What is verbally confirm the name/date of birth and utilize barcode scanning for confirmation of name and medical record number. 


What is the dwell time for purple top PDI wipes?

What is 2 minutes?


How do we ensure that food is kept at the correct temperature in the refrigerator?

What is temperature tracking:  daily documentation.  Log must state "closed" when department is closed. 


When must pain re-assessment be documented.

What is 1 hour after any intervention such as pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic measures?


Document that outlines what surgeries and procedures can be performed for the patient?

What is the surgery consent?


The process used to ensure the healthcare team is aware of the medications that the patient is taking prior to admission and when is this completed?

What is Medication Reconciliation which is completed upon admission and prior to discharge? 


What are two things that you should do if you notice ceiling tile missing, broken or stained?

What is fill out a facility/maintenance work order on ICON and notify your supervisor. 


The following items must be kept locked or under constant observation?

What are medications and sharps, including needles, syringes, and scalpels? 


How long do you have to complete the initial care plan?

What is within 8 hours?

What are the 5 rights of medication safety?

What is the right patient, right medication, right dose, right time, and right route?


"I don't know but let me ask my supervisor for you"

What is the correct response if you don't know the answer to a question that a JC surveyor is asking?


How do you know a patient is on isolation precautions.

What is door sign, cart outside the door, documentation in the medical record. 


Process in which the correct patient, correct procedure, correct site, correct patient position, and availability if implants or special equipment is confirmed through pre-op verification.  This includes conducting site marking and conducting a final time out immediately prior to the invasive procedure.

What is Universal Protocol?


Describe what is required in the medication education process and the documentation of this education?

What is education to the patient at their level of understanding on any new medication.  Patient's also may have questions on their home medication list and need help to understand why they take certain medications at home.  Documentation of the specific medication and if the patient understood the medication must be evident in the medical record (this must be specific to medication) 


Name one measurable improvement made on your unit or within the hospital in the last 12 months?

What is fall prevention, hand hygiene initiatives, reduction in readmission rates, improvement in patient satisfaction efforts:  noise at night, care transitions, response to concerns and complaints and more.


When and how are patient handoffs completed?

What is SBAR format when a patient is transferred, change of shift, meal breaks, nurse is leaving the unit.


How do you know if equipment such as pumps and poles have been cleaned?

What is bag placed over the equipment, placed in the clean storage area...

What are scrub techs required to have on their back table for every procedure without exception?

What is Saline or Water


Patients requiring Non-Violent Restraint require safety assessment/documentation how often?

What is every 2 hours?  This includes release of restraint for movement/prevention of skin breakdown, toileting if applicable and offering food or drink if applicable. 

How do you determine if a physician has privileges at SEORMC?

What is look at the privilege list on ICON?
