Psychological Approaches
Research Methods
Psychology Careers
Wild Card

This person established the first psychological laboratory and was one of the founders of structuralism. 

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?


Correlation does not equal

What is causation?


This percentage of people fall within 30 points (2 SD's) of 100 on a normal bell curve.

What is 95%


This type of psychologist would be interested in understanding how a person uses information in remembering and solving problems. 

What is a cognitive psychologist?


The APA and IRB require researchers to keep these four ethical principles in mind when conducting a study on humans.

1. What is informed consent?

2. What is debriefing?

3. What is Confidentiality?

4. What is protection from harm?


This psychological perspective focuses on how mental and behavioral processes function and how they enable organisms to adapt, survive, and flourish. 

What is functionalism?


These carefully worded statements describing exact procedures in a research study help us to be able to replicate the study. 

What are operational definitions?


If p<.05 that means the observed difference is probably not due to chance, and therefore it has this.

What is statistical significance?

This type of psychologist would help someone who had recently gotten in a car accident and lost their ability to walk. 

What is a rehabilitation psychologist?


This was the first female to receive a psychology PhD. 

Who is Margaret Floy Washburn?


This philosopher believed that knowledge is innate and began to dissect animals to learn about the mind.

Who is Rene' Descartes?


Sam is doing a study to find out how many Shorecrest students like Fresh Kitchen over Better Bird. He wants to make sure everyone in class has an equal chance to participate in the study. Sam would seek this type of sample to provide everyone an equal chance of inclusion. 

What is a random sample?


Scientists have found that as high school students get older, their use of lockers decreases. 

What is negative correlation?


Dr. Mills has a medical degree and helps patients by prescribing them medication to treat their mental illness. 

What is a psychiatrist?


A researcher strongly feels that his research study is going to prove his hypothesis true. In order to help eliminate any bias on his part, he has decided to use this procedure during experimentation.

What is the double-blind procedure?


These two early psychologists defined psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior", thus ignoring mental processes. 

Who are John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner?


Mrs. Ellis wants to see if playing music during tests helps improve her student's grades. In this study, playing music is the ________ and student's grades is the ________. 

Independent Variable

Dependent Variable


A perfect positive correlation has a correlation coefficient of this number.

What is +1.00?


This perspective would be most likely to examine the unconscious motives of a person who is overly aggressive on the basketball court. 

What is psychodynamic? 

In a perfectly normal distribution of scores, these three descriptive statistics are always the same. 

What is mean, median, and mode. 


Titchener used this method to encourage people to look inward to observe their own psychological processes. 

What is introspection?


There are three types of research methods, one of which allows us to explore cause and effect by manipulating factors and using random assignment.

What is experimental research?

** What are the two others and what do they tell us?**


Snell Isle is a neighborhood where most families have similar incomes. This would mean that this community has a relatively small ________.

What is standard deviation?


This professional focuses on the study of human flourishing and the attainment of a happy, meaningful life.

What is a positive psychologist?


While watching chimpanzees during a naturalistic observation research study, Jane Goodall will avoid doing this. 

What is manipulating or controlling the situation?
