Dorian and Francisco gather the ________ to take out every day.
What is trash
This is a fruit that we eat that is yellow
a. Grape
b. blueberry
c. banana
what is banana
A word that means the way you act
What is positive
This coin is worth one cent
what is penny
It is always polite to speak over someone else when they are talking
a. true
b. false
what is false
We will ______________ the amount of oil we need to cook brownies.
a. read
b. measure
c. clean
what is measure
We saw the __________ in the sky.
a. airplane
b. rabbit
c. car
what is airplane
A word that means make someone feel they can do something and do it well
what is inspire
A nickel is worth ___________ cents
How much is five
If you go to the doctor's office and there is only one seat left, you should leave the seat for the elderly person.
what is true
He went for a job ______________ after he completed the application.
what is interview
The ______________________ showed us how to do our math.
what is teacher
A word that means do not give up
What is persist
Maryann gave me a _____________ which is worth ten cents.
what is dime
when you see someone having a conversation that does not include you, what should you do?
what is walk away or step back and wait until the person is finished with their conversation
If you want to have friends you will treat people with
a. respect
b. rudeness
c. laughter
what is respect
He loves to eat ______________ and dressing
what is chicken
A word that means having a good outlook
What is positive
Could I borrow a _____________? It's only 25 cents.
what is quarter
When eating a meal with others when should you begin eating?
When everyone has their plate and is ready to begin
It is very important to read all ________________ before cooking a meal
a. math problems
b. instructions
c. questions
The girl has on a ___________ dress.
what is pretty
Amy will _____________ her friends to complete the project for the school art wall.
What is inspire
Two dimes and one nickel is worth
a. 50 cents
b. 25 cents
c. 10 cents
How much is 25 cents
If you have a problem with someone you should go tell it to all of your friends first.
what is false