The first person to call when you need to rent a piece of equipment.
Who is Leadership on-call
Times per pay period that a traveler can be canceled.
What is One Time
Played the flute in orchestra and marching band
Who is Toni.
Page for a pulm lab sick call
_ pulmlab
Where the Bronch cart is located.
What is outside OR 8
Code for the respiratory equipment room.
What is 2514
Order in which staff gets OT after sending page out, in the beginning of your shift.
What is first come first serve
Has a dog named Cowboy, but hates the Dallas Cowboys.
Who is Steven
Quiet hour for both Day and NOC shift?
Day: 10pm - 5am
Noc: 10am - 3pm
Page # when Equipment tech needed.
CMAC cart locations
ED, OR, closet between PICU and CV
Time limit to cancel a per diem staff member, if not needed for staffing.
What is 90 minutes.
Had oral surgery at 15 and has two titanium plates in face.
who is Kirsten
The bonus cancellation order.
1. Leadership
2. Per Diem
3. Core staff/Educators
Location of Disaster Drill Command Center
What is behind cafeteria.
Patient on astral getting ready to transfer to MedPulm should be in this limb.
What is single limb.
Medical provider previously arranged by their travel company.
Serious injury: triaged through our ED.
Gets up before the sun every day
Who is Ruben
The ECMO Prime extension number.
What is x3099
Where ACA form is located
What is the department main web page and printed copies in charge folder.
The steps of processing the CMAC blades after intubation.
1. Wipe
2. Place in biohazard container
3. Spray
4. Call equipment tech.
Staff gets injured on the job. Where do you take them? Who should you notify? Report to you file?
Day: OCC Health (if open)
House Supervisor.
Safety Report
Had a motorcycle license before getting a license to drive a car?
Who is Mike
Rady satellites where Avea ventilators are used.
Scripps Encinitas and Rancho Springs
What is TRAIN concept