I am in a small district and only have 3 of these staff persons who attend ARD meetings, complete testing, reevaluations, trainings,
Who are on the evaluation team and where do I get additional evaluation staff
Differentiated instruction, additional time, visual cues, shortened assignments, tutoring
Does more need to be done?
Doctor's note, office referrals, failing grades, accommodations
When does Rti stop and referral to special education begin
Testing has been refused by the campus but they did not tell me why
What is prior written notice?
I think he needs testing but they (sped dept) won't do it
Share data in student support team meeting
The data shows he is passing but the parent still wants testing for special education but she did not put request in writing
What are the required components for a request for special ed evaluation
Budget cuts, staff shortages, increased requests for referrals
Concerns all administrators face
sample 2