7.1-Citing Text Evidence & Inferences
7.2-Central Ideas & Objective Summary
7.4- Word Choice
7.5- Text Structure
7.6- Author's purpose and point of view
How do you make an inference? 

Background knowledge + explicit text evidence= inference

*Helpful tip: If you are struggling to make an inference, think about what the author is trying to tell you by reading between the lines. Why would they phrase the text in the way they did? 

What should NEVER be included in an objective summary? 
Personal opinions or statements (I believe, you, we, us, etc.) 

*Helpful tip: Change "I, we, you, us," etc. to "people" or "a person." 

What are at least two steps you can take ON THE STATE EXAM if you are struggling to define unfamiliar vocabulary words?
1. Use context clues (the text around the word)

2. Try breaking the word down into the root word

3. Find out the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) 

4. Keep reading to see if you can understand the text as a whole

5. Put another word in its place and reread it to see if it makes sense

6. Make sure the text does not have any *'s or small numbers next to the word. If it does, look at the bottom to see if it is already defined.  

*Helpful Tip: During the writing segment of the test, if you are struggling to spell a word, try looking back through your texts to locate it. Copy it down in your writing. 

Name at least three types of text structures and explain some typical characteristics of them. 

1. Cause/Effect:

Informational texts often describe cause and effect relationships. The text describes events and identifies or implies causal factors.

2. Problem/Solution:

The text describes a problem and presents solutions.

3. Compare/Contrast:

Author uses comparisons to describe ideas. Similes, metaphors, and analogies are used.

4. Description:

Sensory details help readers visualize information.

5. Question and Answer: 

How-to-texts frame the information in order to answer a question. 

6. Chronological (time order):

The text is sequenced with one event happening after another. 

*Helpful Tip: Think about the author's purpose and the genre of the text before trying to identify the text structure. Typically, an author's purpose and genre will provide clues to determining the text structure. For example, an interview will be question and answer. 

Name and define at least two purposes authors can have. 

The author tries to get you to do something


The author tries to give you facts and information about a topic 


The author tries to engage the reader through a story 

*Helpful Tip: If you are struggling to determine the author's purpose, ask yourself "Why did the author write this?" "What's the point?" 

According to the information in the text, Pocahontas could best be described as: 

A. open-minded

B. stubborn

C. childish

D. restless

A. open-minded

B. stubborn

C. childish

D. restless


The partial outline below contains information from the article. 

1. Pocahontas's birth

2. Early contact with Europeans


B. gets to know the colonists

C. carries messages to Jamestown 

Based on the information in the article, choose the phrase that best belongs in the blank. 

A. visits John Smith in England

b. saves John Smith's life

c. marries John Rolfe

d. born around 1595

A. visits John Smith in England

b. saves John Smith's life

c. marries John Rolfe

d. born around 1595


Read the following sentence from Paragraph 3:

The way the story goes, Smith was leading an expedition in December 1607 when he was later captured by some Native Americans."

What does the word expedition most likely mean? 

A. walk

B. journey

C. war

D. happy life

A. walk

B. journey

C. war

D. happy life

In what part of a history textbook would you look to find the definition of "expedition"? 

A. table of contents

B. glossary

C. heading

D. index

A. table of contents

B. glossary

C. heading

D. index

What type of point of view does Hightower use?

A. first person

B. second person

C. third person limited

D. third person omniscient 

A. first person

B. second person

C. third person limited

D. third person omniscient 


Read the following sentence from paragraph 7:

Saddened, but still spirited, Pocahontas continued to act as a bridge between her people and the colonists. 

A. She never was John Smith's girlfriend so she was not impacted by his death

B. She persevered through this difficult time in her life in order to help her people.

C. She was a double-agent, and thus had to keep spying on the English colony. 

D. She was no longer in love with John Smith because she met John Rolfe. 

A. She never was John's Smith so she was not impacted by his death

B. She persevered through this difficult time in her life in order to help her people.

C. She was a double-agent, and thus had to keep spying on the English colony.

D. She was no longer in love with John Smith because she met John Rolfe. 

Which detail best supports the main idea of the article?

A. Pocahontas was actually named Matoaka

B. Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan

C. Pocahontas was a symbol of unity

D. Pocahontas died in March 1617 

A. Pocahontas was actually named Matoaka

B. Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan

C. Pocahontas was a symbol of unity

D. Pocahontas died in March 1617 

Read the sentence from paragraph 6:

Unfortunately, the colonists and the Powhatan did not remain amicable. As tensions increased, Pocahontas was forced to visit Jamestown less and less. 

What words could be highlighted to help define the word "amicable"? 



-tensions increased

-less and less

The author included the picture on the bottom right hand corner of the page to

A. illustrate the fashion of 1607

B. depict Pocahontas in a militaristic way 

C. provide the reader with a visual of the text's topic

D. show an example of a watercolor painting

A. illustrate the fashion of 1607

B. depict Pocahontas in a militaristic way

C. provide the reader with a visual of the text's topic

D. show an example of a watercolor painting

What is the main purpose of this text?

A. to inform the reader about Pocahontas's life

B. to entertain the reader with a dramatic love triangle 

C. to persuade the reader that Pocahontas was a prideful 

D. to inform the reader about the Powhatan tribe

A.  to inform the reader about Pocahontas's life

B. to entertain the reader with a dramatic love triangle

C. to persuade the reader that Pocahontas was a prideful

D. to inform the reader about the Powhatan tribe

What could most likely have happened if Pocahontas did not save John Smith's life?

A. everything would have stayed the same

B. The English would have killed Pocahontas

C. Powhatan would have killed John Smith and war would have begun

D. The English would have left Jamestown peacefully 

A. everything would have stayed the same

B. The English would have killed Pocahontas

C. Powhatan would have killed John Smith and war would have begun

D. The English would have left Jamestown peacefully 

Which of the following would not be included in an objective summary?

A. The colonist and the Powhatan grew angry with one another

B. Pocahontas married John Rolfe. 

C. Pocahontas was the most influential woman in Native American history. 

D. Powhatan eventually adopted John Smith. 

A. The colonist and the Powhatan grew angry with one another

B. Pocahontas married John Rolfe.

C. Pocahontas was the most influential woman in Native American history.

D. Powhatan eventually adopted John Smith. 


Read the following sentence:

"After luring her onto his ships and holding her there, Argall sent word to Powhatan."

The word "luring" most likely means

A. invited

B. tricking 

C. detering

D. tempting 

A. invited

B. tricking

C. detering

D. tempting 

The author's purpose in paragraph number 7 could be:

A. to entertain

b. to persuade

c. to inform

d. both a and c  

A. to entertain

b. to persuade

c. to inform

d. both a and c  

How does the structure of the text contribute to the author's purpose?

A. It helps to describe a war between the Powhatan and The English

B. It helps to answer a question about Pocahontas's early life

C. It helps to compare John Rolfe and John Smith's lives 

D. It helps to develops the sequence of Pocahontas's life

A. It helps to describe a war between the Powhatan and The English

B. It helps to answer a question about Pocahontas's early life 

C. It helps to compare John Rolfe and John Smith's lives  

D. It helps to develops the sequence of Pocahontas's life
