Emotions & Empathy
Communication Styles

What is resilience? And give an example.

The ability to "bounce back" or recovery from life's difficulties. 

Getting back up when you fall down.

Keep trying and working towards goals.


John hates math. He is nervous about his upcoming math test and asks his friend for suggestions to deal with the stress. Give John 3 healthy coping strategies to deal with his school stress.

- Talking to parents or friends

- Exercise/sports

- Yoga/meditation

- Reading

- Problem solving

- Thinking positive/being optimistic

- Humor/laughing

- Listening to music

- Hobbies/recreation

- Journaling/creative writing

- Hanging out with friends

- Religious or spiritual practices


What is the difference between EMPATHY and SYMPATHY?

Sympathy is feeling "sorry" or "pity" for someone. Thinking or saying "wow I feel bad for you. I wouldn't want that to happen to me."

Empathy is feeling and relating to another person's situation. Thinking or saying "I've been in your shoes. I know how hard that can be. I'm here to listen or share my story if you need it.


Name 3 different communication styles.

Assertive, Aggressive, Passive Aggressive, Passive, Manipulative


Name 3 things in life that affect resiliency.

Personality, self-concept, ways of thinking, social skills, physical health, attachment, communication, family structure, parenting style, support from outside the family, inclusion, social conditions, education, health, community participation.


True or false - eating candy with friends is unhealthy coping. And explain why.

False. Just because candy is unhealthy doesn't make it an unhealthy coping strategy. Spending time with friends, laughing, and being carefree sometimes is very healthy. Life is about balance.

What is empathy?

Empathy is your ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy is what allows us to care for others and gives us the desire to help them.

Empathy is the key to positive, meaningful relationships. It enables us to deescalate conflict, make people feel safer and we can use it to make the world a better place.


What type of communication style is the following sentence:

"You're so lucky...I wish I had an birthday is coming up....I probably won't get any good presents though...."

Manipulative communication


Describe a situation where you displayed resilience.

*personal examples accepted*


True or False - People who use unhealthy coping strategies, like drugs and alcohol, are bad and cannot be helped.

False. People who have unhealthy coping habits may have developed them because of difficult life situations, and may not know any healthy alternatives. People with unhealthy coping can change their habits and need support from people around them.


What's going on with them? 

If a person brags about how smart they are.

They may feel like they're not smart and want to overcompensate by bragging. 

They may not get any positive attention and need to say things to make themselves feel better.


Give an example of passive communication when deciding what to do on the weekend.

"It's up to you..."

"My ideas are all boring..."

"It doesn't matter to me."



True or false? Participating in an extracurricular group can grow your resilience.

True. Community involvement, social inclusion, friends, and social support can all help develop and foster resilience.


True or False? All people are born with healthy coping strategies. (And explain)

False. People need to learn and practice healthy coping strategies throughout their lives.


What's going on with them?

They steal food.

They may not have enough food at home. 

They may be hungry.

They may be seeking attention.


What is the healthiest communication style? Give an example using this communication style as a student asking the teacher for an extension on a project.

The healthiest communication style is "assertive"

Examples will vary.
