Instructional Design 2
Coaching 2
Educational Psychology
Learning 2

A chart that depicts the designed sequence for events of a course.

Course map


Unnecessary objects which inhibit productivity and well-being. Clutter can be environmental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Some individuals also suffer from cluttered schedules. These messes can affect concentration, energy, success and personal happiness.

What is Clutter?


A classification of educational objectives characterized by their dependence upon the manipulation of language symbols (thinking) mental process.

Cognitive domain


The process of gaining knowledge through personal experience.

What is Experiential learning?


Skills to perform where job requirements are well defined in terms of actions to be taken and expected outcomes.

Hard skills


A component of the instructional strategy defining a particular means for accomplishing the objective. For example a traditional instructor led instructional strategy may be accomplished using the lecture method, a Socratic lecture technique, and a defined step-by-step questioning procedure.

What is an Instructional method?


There are two main types of goal orientations. Having a performance goal orientation means that a person is motivated by the desire to demonstrate their abilities. Having a learning goal orientation (also known as a mastery orientation) means that a person is motivated by the opportunity to develop and master new skills. Helping employees develop a learning goal orientation by building a learning culture can help increase motivation to participate in training and apply new skills on the job.

Goal Orientation


A generic classification of learning outcomes into one of three primary but not necessarily materially exclusive categories: cognitive (e.g., thinking, understanding), affective (e.g., attitudes, values), and psychomotor (e.g., physical skills).

What is Domain of learning?


Learning that occurs away from a structured, formal classroom environment. Comes in many forms, including viewing videos, self-study, reading articles, participating in forums and chat rooms, performance support, coaching sessions and games. Informal learning is considered a form of asynchronous learning. Informal learning is a style of learning in which the learner sets their own goals and objectives.

What is Informal learning?


“A person who is acceptable to all group members, substantively neutral, and has no decision-making authority who helps a group improve the way it identifies and solves problems and makes decisions.” (From Ingrid Bens): “One who contributes structure and process to interactions so groups are able to function effectively and make high-quality decisions. A helper and enabler whose goal is to support others as they achieve exceptional performance.”

Facilitator (from Roger Schwartz).


The general concept by which instruction is to be delivered to the student (e.g., programmed learning, traditional learning, exercise learning, small group learning, pure group learning, mentor or apprentice learning, etc.).

Instructional strategy


A reward for an undesired behavior.

What is Negative reinforcement?


The active entry by a third party in order to stop or correct a harmful or detrimental behavior. Aimed at allowing a person or business to achieve optimal health and to better their chances for success and self-awareness.



Attainment of a competency or proficiency in an ability.

What is Mastery?


Also known as Generation Y, millennials are the generation following Generation X. Early millennials were born between 1992 and 1999, and late millennials were born between 1984 and 1991.



Systematic in-depth analysis and verification of training discrepancies and emerging needs identified by a needs assessment. The results of the Needs Analysis are the definition of performance deficiencies and the isolation of potential solutions. This analytical process addresses the specific nature of the deficiency.

Needs analysis


The act of developing physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Measured by an increase in self-awareness, happiness and ability to respond to challenges encountered in daily life. The goal of almost all coaching and improvement programs.

Personal Growth


The practice of concentrating quietly on a set idea, mantra, theme or goal. Used to encourage the development of consciousness and greater self-awareness. Found in many spiritual and religious traditions from all over the world.

What is Meditation?


A structured learning program in which an inexperienced person (the “apprentice”) works with an experienced professional, gaining practical, on-the-job experience for the purpose of learning a trade, skill or art.



Both something which encourages action or growth and a personality characteristic of those who continually work to improve themselves. Can be an overall goal or desire which helps individuals stay on track with improvement plans.



Part of a task or learning objective that describes the environment for performing the task. Conditions to be included in an accurate and complete statement of task conditions are tools and equipment, job aids, manuals, supervision, special physical demands, environmental conditions, and location of performance.

What is a Condition statement?


Helps individuals develop the necessary strengths and skills to have successful personal, business and romantic relationships. Focuses on communication, compromise and interpersonal skills. Fosters strengths and identifies problem areas by assessing current and former relationships.

What is Relationship Coaching?


Skills that can support better learning, problem-solving and performance. Such skills include planning how to approach a difficult task, self-assessing and self-correcting, and identifying strategies to solve a problem or learn a new skill.

Metacognition (literally “cognition about cognition,” or thinking about thinking).


It provides a framework to help instructors design learning and development programs that will meet the needs of professionals at each phase of their career path. There are a variety of these theories that can inform training decisions in the corporate training context and can also be considered to design professional development activities for educators. Understanding how this group learns is essential to developing successful training programs.

What is Adult Learning Theory?


Training in designated job skills provided at the job sites. The employee typically performs tasks that are essential to their job function with the supervision of a manager, coach or mentor. This type of training is typically used to broaden an employee’s skill set and to increase productivity.

On-the-Job Training (OJT).


The breakdown of a learning objective into elements that must be correctly performed to determine whether each student satisfactorily meets the performance standards described in the learning objective.

What is a Performance checklist?


Corrective training. A form of feedback that re-teaches information for which the student has demonstrated a lack of understanding.

What is Remediation?


Behavior which is observable and measurable.

Overt behavior.


The art or science of education, which often pertains to educating youth.



The art and science of teaching adult education.

What is Andragogy?


An individual who has a thorough knowledge of a job, duties/tasks, or a particular topic. This group is highly accessed by instructional designers to extract intelligence when developing courseware and learning programs. They are frequently called upon to serve as guest lecturers or instructors for training.

What is a Subject Matter Expert (SME)?


Designed to help individuals learn to manage the troubles and stresses that they encounter in daily life. Often uses relaxation techniques, exercise and meditation to teach individuals how to overcome struggles with stress.

What is Stress Management Coaching?


An organization of information. It may take the form of a script (a kind of story or scenario that organizes information) or a frame (a structure that looks like a table or matrix into which information fits).

What is a Schema?


The act of obtaining or acquiring new skills, behaviors, knowledge, values or customs. Learning occurs, or is acquired, through the act of instruction, practice or study. It refers to the student, or learner, and how the education or training process impacts them. It does not refer to something we do to or for someone else; for example, we do not do this to others. We ‘teach’ or ‘train’ students, and students ‘learn’ from others.

What is Learning?


Allows a learner to assume the role or tasks of a job by practicing or simulating real working conditions. The objective of role playing is to learn, improve or develop upon the skills or competencies necessary for a specific position.

What is Role Play, or Role Playing?
