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Classic Checking
Regular Savings
Does a customer have to have online banking to have mobile banking?
Yes, to be able to log into mobile you must set up online first.
What is the POS limit per day, per card?
Where does a customer go to sign up for bill pay?
Online banking.
Has requirements such as estatements, ACH credit/debit and POS purchases
$25 to open
What does it mean if a customers phone number is not an option when being verified through online banking?
The username is incorrect
Is it safer for customers to use their pin number at a store or run as credit?
pin number, this is extra security on the card.
How much does it cost per item paid after your 15
$0.40 per bill
Rewards you for using AMAZON and ITUNES
Kasasa Tunes
Has limited check writing but no access to a debit card
Money Market
What is the daily limit for mobile deposit on consumer and business accounts?
$3000.00 consumer $10,000.00 business
Can you have a card on a savings account?
Yes, ATM only.
What steps can you take to ensure your customer is in the right account?
Look through their accounts, understand how they use it and see if we have a better product to help make their lives easier.
Has a $4 service charge but can be waved
minimum of $100 to open and charges $3 per withdrawal after the first 3
Regular Savings
What is the difference between multiple business and multi entity for online banking?
Multi business is seeing several business on one login
Multi user is when the business owners want more than one person to see the business accounts online.
How old do you have to be to have a debit card?
16, with parent on account. 18, without.
What is an estatement?
Receiving your statement online instead of in the mail.
Is linked to a checking account
Does it cost to have online bill pay?
Yes, $1.95 a month up to 15 payments.
Do customers get rewards for using their debit card?
Yes, it can help reduce fees and also earn you rewards in your checking account.