Key Terms Relations
World War I
Great Depression
The New Deal

How is the Industrial Revolution related to imperialism?

A. Industrialization needed more resources so imperialism increased to gain more resources

B. Industrialization didn't need anymore resources and so imperialism increased

C. Industrialization increased and resulted in a decrease of imperialism 

A. Industrialization needed more resources so imperialism increased to gain more resources


What treaty ended WWI?

The Treaty of Versailles


Name one cause of the Great Depression. 

A. Stock Market Crashed and Banks failed

B. People got richer over oil

C. Stock Market collapsed and Banks ran away

A. Stock Market Crashed and Banks failed


What were the three Rs?

Relief, Recovery, Reform


What is today's date?



What is the relationship between the Great Depression and the New Deal?

A. The economy was prospering during the Great Depression so the New Deal was proposed

B. The economy was suffering so Teddy proposed the New Deal to help out

C. The economy was suffering during the Great Depression so FDR created the New Deal to solve it

C. The economy was suffering during the Great Depression so FDR created the New Deal to solve it


Choose the two main reasons why America entered WWI. 

a. Sinking of the Lusitania

b. Zimmerman telegram

c. League of Nations

a. Sinking of the Lusitania

b. Zimmerman telegram


Name one social issue during the Great Depression

Poverty, farmers lost farms, racism

What was the purpose of the New Deal?

A. To restore and stabilize the economy 

B. To restore Teddy Roosevelt's money

C. To help farmers gain back land

A. To restore and stabilize the economy


What is the weather like for tomorrow?

Partly Cloudy/Sunny around 50-55 Degrees

How is the Treaty of Versailles and Wilson's 14 points different?

A. The Treaty of Versailles gave Germany money while the 14 points punished Germany

B. The Treaty of Versailles was harsh while the 14 points sought peace.

C. The League of Nations was created

B. The Treaty of Versailles was harsh while the 14 points sought peace.


Name one cause of WWI. 

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism


Why was Herbert Hoover blamed for the Great Depression?

A. He was the mastermind behind the Great Depression

B. He got rich off the Great Depression

C. He was elected as President as the Great Depression began

C. He was elected as President as the Great Depression began

True or False. The New Deal created the Social Security Act. 



When is Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday?

January 15th, 1929


How is the Dust Bowl related to the Great Depression?

A. The Dust Bowl made living situations worst for farmers during the Great Depression

B. The Dust Bowl created the halftime show featuring Madonna

C. The Dust Bowl helped the living situations of farmers

A. The Dust Bowl made living situations worst for farmers during the Great Depression


Name one effect of World War I. 

Advance in tech, women's right to vote, American economy prospers, League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles, WWII

How did inflation impact society?

A. The value of the dollar increased and people bought more goods

B. The value of the dollar decreased and people couldn't afford goods

C. The value of the dollar increased and people got more jobs

B. The value of the dollar decreased and people couldn't afford goods


What did "relief" do as part of the New Deal?

A. Provide jobs to Americans

B. Provide water to Americans

C. Provide food to Americans who were hungry

A. Provide jobs to Americans


What year was Barack Obama elected as President?



What is the relationship between Social Security and the New Deal?

A. Social Security provided benefits to the rich as a result of the New Deal

B. Social Security was not helpful and failed

C. Social Security provided benefits to the elderly as part of the New Deal

C. Social Security provided benefits to the elderly as part of the New Deal


What was the purpose of the League of Nations?

A. To punish Germany

B. To provide collective security and world peace

C. To punish the Americans

B. To provide collective security and world peace


Who was the President that created the New Deal?

A. Teddy Roosevelt

B. Freddy Roosevelt

C. Franklin D. Roosevelt 

C. Franklin D. Roosevelt


What did "Reform" do as part of the New Deal?

A. Targeted the poor and took away their money

B. Targeted the rich and taxed them more

C. targeted causes in order to prevent future Great Depression

C. targeted causes in order to prevent future Great Depression


What is Barack Obama's last name?

