The Science of Psychology
Biology and Behavior
Sensation and Perception
Thinking, Language, & Intelligence
Psychological Disorder
Treatment of Disorders

Critical thinking is best defined as thinking that

a. is systematic and reasonable.

b. is open-minded and creative.

c. criticizes others’ opinions.

d. uses inferences but does not solve problems.

a. is systematic and reasonable.


Which of the following structures is NOT considered a part of the cerebral cortex?

a. occipital lobes

b. parietal lobes

c. temporal lobes

d. hippocampal lobes

d. hippocampal lobes


Which of the following abilities is most impaired during sleep?

a. analyzing potential dangers

b. maintaining automatic bodily functions

c. experiencing conscious awareness

d. finding comfortable positions

c. experiencing conscious awareness


When Petra jumps into a cold lake, she feels as though she is freezing. After a few minutes, she no longer notices the cold and feels comfortable in the water. This change is an example of

a. convergence.

b. just noticeable difference.

c. sensory adaptation.

d. sensory threshold.

c. sensory adaptation.


What is a Skinner box?

a. a diagram of reward contingencies

b. a special crib-like device Skinner used for his children

c. a special kind of rat maze

d. a chamber used for testing animal learning

d. a chamber used for testing animal learning


The inability to retrieve information from long-term memory is

a. forgetting.

b. memory loss.

c. inattention.

d. None of the answer options is correct.

a. forgetting.


What is the paradox of choice?

a. Not having any choices is what makes us happiest.

b. Having a lot of choices makes us happy.

c. Having unlimited choices makes us happiest.

d. Having some choice is better than none, but too many choices can make us unhappy.

d. Having some choice is better than none, but too many choices can make us unhappy.


The central characteristic of anxiety disorders is

a. the feeling of excessive fear or anxiety in the absence of any real threat.

b. fluctuating moods that are not related to events in the environment.

c. a feeling of apprehension or dread without any physical symptoms.

d. chronically high arousal of the parasympathetic nervous system.

a. the feeling of excessive fear or anxiety in the absence of any real threat.


Mindy is taking a psychotropic medication that increases the level of serotonin in her brain. She is likely taking a(n)

a. benzodiazepine.

b. antidepressant.

c. antipsychotic.

d. neuroleptic.

b. antidepressant.


The nature in the nature/nurture debate refers to ________ factors affecting human psychological development.

a. either biological or behavioral

c. either biological or environmental

b. either behavioral or environmental

d. either formal or natural

c. either biological or environmental


The left side of the brain is responsible for

a. being more analytical, rational, and objective.

b. being more creative and to view the world more holistically and subjectively.

a. being more analytical, rational, and objective.


A person whose EEG shows predominantly theta waves is most likely

a. awake.

b. in stage 1 sleep.

c. in stage 4 sleep.

d. in stage 2 sleep.

b. in stage 1 sleep.


________ is the body’s detection of external or internal sensory stimuli, whereas ________ is its further processing, organizing, and interpreting of those stimuli.

a. Sensation; perception

b. Perception; sensation

c. Transduction; perception

d. Perception; transduction

a. Sensation; perception


What is a conditioned stimulus?

a. something that naturally elicits a response

b. something that elicits a response only after learning

c. a previously extinct stimulus

d. a second-order pairing of learned relations

b. something that elicits a response only after learning


Research on memory consolidation reveals that memories

a. can be interfered with.

b. are stored as exact copies of experience.

c. are easy to duplicate.

d. None of the answer options is correct.

a. can be interfered with.


The word tree is an example of a(n) ________, whereas a picture of a tree is an example of a(n) ________.

a. analogical representation; symbolic representation

b. symbolic representation; analogical representation

c. concept; analogical representation

d. analogical representation; prototype model

b. symbolic representation; analogical representation


The more social fears someone with social anxiety disorder has, the more likely he or she will

a. respond to treatment.

b. develop depression.

c. get into physical fights with others.

d. avoid alcohol or other drugs.

b. develop depression.


Prozac is an effective treatment for depression because it mainly increases the availability of ________ by ________.

a. dopamine; inhibiting an enzyme that breaks dopamine down

b. dopamine; inhibiting dopamine reuptake

c. serotonin; inhibiting an enzyme that breaks serotonin down

d. serotonin; inhibiting serotonin reuptake

d. serotonin; inhibiting serotonin reuptake


A little boy is running around a grocery store, screaming, yelling, and throwing cans. His parents cannot control him. A strict nurture-only theorist might say,

a. “His parents must have been really active when they were children.”

b. “He cannot help that he was born wild.”

c. “Even if he was born wild, his parents should now be able to control him.”

d. “Boys evolve to act this way when they are young.”

c. “Even if he was born wild, his parents should now be able to control him.”


Which of the following neurotransmitters would be most involved in enabling nerves that connect with muscles as you raise your arms above your head?

a. Acetylcholine

b. Epinephrine

c. Serotonin

d. norepinephrine

a. Acetylcholine


In which of the following stages of sleep can a person can be easily awakened?

a. stage 2

b. stage 3

c. stage 1

d. REM

c. stage 1


A(n) ________ is the minimum intensity of sensory stimulation required before the sensation is detected 50 percent of the time.

a. absolute threshold

b. minimum threshold

c. difference threshold

d. sensory adaptation

a. absolute threshold


What observation by Pavlov led to the development of classical conditioning as a model of learning?

a. Dogs showed reflexes highly similar to people.

b. Dogs had to be conditioned to salivate.

c. Dogs salivated in anticipation of the food.

d. Dogs salivated after receiving the reward of the food.

c. Dogs salivated in anticipation of the food.


Aaron took calculus as a freshman in high school, but he is now taking it again as a college senior to fulfill requirements for his major. Based on your knowledge of memory, you could predict that the material would take ________ in his college class as it did in his high school class.

a. as much effort and as much time to learn

b. less effort but as much time to learn

c. as much effort but less time to learn

d. less effort and less time to learn

d. less effort and less time to learn


The availability heuristic can cause people to incorrectly assess the probabilities of various events because

a. the most available event is not always the most frequent.

b. the most likely event is not always the most frequent.

c. it is too difficult to compute joint probabilities of events.

d. it is too difficult to distinguish between probabilities and likelihoods.

a. the most available event is not always the most frequent.


If you experience intense, uncontrollable fear when you encounter or think about a certain object, you would probably be diagnosed with

a. panic disorder.

b. social anxiety disorder.

c. agoraphobia.

d. specific phobia.

d. specific phobia.


For most anxiety disorders, evidence supports ________ as the most effective treatment.

a. the use of antianxiety medication

b. client-centered therapy

c. client-centered therapy combined with anti-anxiety medication

d. cognitive-behavioral therapy

d. cognitive-behavioral therapy


Which of the following is an example of using BOTH critical thinking and scientific reasoning?

a. believing that sugar causes ADHD because you feel hyper after eating a candy bar

b. concluding that listening to Mozart improves learning in children after reading an article about this topic in a popular magazine

c. using a personal example to show how a psychological principle must be wrong

d. conducting research to investigate the effectiveness of left brain/right brain games in improving memory

d. conducting research to investigate the effectiveness of left brain/right brain games in improving memory


The idea that the brain is extremely malleable and is continuously changing as a result of injury, experiences, or substances is known as

a. the action potential.

b. the all-or-none principle.

c. plasticity.

d. synesthesia.

c. plasticity.


Which of the following is a major cause of insomnia?

a. disrupted sleep cycles

b. altered theta waves

c. narcolepsy

d. worrying about sleep

d. worrying about sleep


The minimum amount of change required for a person to detect a difference between two stimuli

is referred to as the

a. absolute threshold.

b. minimum threshold.

c. difference threshold.

d. signal change.

c. difference threshold.


Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference between associative and nonassociative learning?

a. Associative learning requires consciously linking two events together, whereas nonassociative learning does not.

b. Associative learning requires both cognition and behavior, whereas nonassociative learning requires only behavior.

c. Associative learning occurs with multiple stimuli, whereas nonassociative learning occurs with only one stimulus.

d. Associative learning can generalize to other contexts, whereas nonassociative learning cannot.

c. Associative learning occurs with multiple stimuli, whereas nonassociative learning occurs with only one stimulus.


The memory enhancement that occurs when there are matching situations surrounding encoding and recall match is called ________ memory; the memory enhancement that occurs when there are matching internal states surrounding encoding and recall match is called ________ memory.

a. context-dependent; state-dependent

b. semantic; episodic

c. episodic; semantic

d. state-dependent; context-dependent

a. context-dependent; state-dependent


Why is categorization an efficient way of thinking?

a. It reduces the amount of information about a concept in memory.

b. It makes information about a concept more specific.

c. It reduces the number of concepts held in memory.

d. It prioritizes the important information in a concept.

a. It reduces the amount of information about a concept in memory.


    81.    You would most likely be diagnosed with ________ if you displayed negative mood, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of suicide over the last few months.

a. posttraumatic stress disorder

b. major depressive disorder

c. persistent depressive disorder

d. bipolar I disorder

b. major depressive disorder


Which of the following is a reason why using placebos in experiments that test the effectiveness of psychotherapy is more complicated than in experiments that test the effectiveness of drug therapies?

a. The therapists know if they are providing the treatment or control therapy.

b. The effectiveness of psychotherapy is less than that of drug therapy, so the difference is harder to measure accurately.

c. The placebo treatment often involves specific factors, which increase effectiveness.

d. There are serious ethical concerns about withholding psychotherapy from patients.

a. The therapists know if they are providing the treatment or control therapy.


According to the nature/nurture debate, the nature view states that individual psychological characteristics are a result of

a. education.

b. biological influences.

c. experiences.

d. culture.

c. experiences.


The amygdala plays an important role in ________ , whereas the hippocampus plays an important role in ________.

a. fear or emotional reactions; spatial memory

b. fear or emotional reactions; automatic behaviors

c. spatial memory; fear or emotional reactions

d. automatic behaviors; spatial memory

a. fear or emotional reactions; spatial memory


Evan stops breathing for short periods of time while he is asleep. Because of this, he is given a device that blows air into his nose at night to compensate for his lowered oxygen levels and sleep disruption during these episodes. It is likely that Evan has

a. obstructive sleep apnea.

b. sleep apraxia.

c. narcolepsy.

d. insomnia.

a. obstructive sleep apnea.


Javier’s attention is captured by the loud sirens and bright lights of an ambulance as it passes by. Arezou’s attention is captured when she hears someone say her name. Javier’s response is best explained as a result of ________, while Arezou’s response is best explained as a result of ________.

a. top-down processing; bottom-up processing

b. bottom-up processing; top-down processing

c. qualitative information; quantitative information

d. quantitative information; qualitative information

b. bottom-up processing; top-down processing


What is the proper order of events that need to take place in order for classical conditioning to occur?

a. unconditioned response presentation ® conditioned stimulus presentation, which elicits the unconditioned stimulus ® after many trials, the unconditioned response elicits the conditioned stimulus

b. conditioned response presentation ® unconditioned response presentation, which elicits the conditioned response ® after many trials, the conditioned response elicits the unconditioned stimulus

c. unconditioned stimulus presentation ® conditioned stimulus presentation, which elicits the conditioned response ® after many trials, the unconditioned stimulus elicits the unconditioned response

d. conditioned stimulus presentation ® unconditioned stimulus presentation, which elicits the unconditioned response ® after many trials, the conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response

d. conditioned stimulus presentation ® unconditioned stimulus presentation, which elicits the unconditioned response ® after many trials, the conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response


Why is memory not a perfect record of everything we see and experience?

a. We need to remember details of events.

b. It would take up too much of our limited long-term memory storage.

c. Attention is limited.

d. Neural networks are limited.

c. Attention is limited.


A picture of a carrot is an example of a(n) ________ representation; the word carrot is a(n) ________ representation.

a.symbolic; analogical

b. analogical; symbolic

c. analogical; analogical

d. symbolic; symbolic

b. analogical; symbolic


151. Borderline personality disorder is associated with

a. disturbances in identity and impulse control.

b. low IQ and lack of remorse.

c. self-absorption and feelings of personal superiority.

d. high levels of anger and suspicion.

a. disturbances in identity and impulse control.


Major depression and bipolar disorder are

a. both more prevalent in women than in men.

b. distinct disorders and require different treatment approaches.

c. both more prevalent in men than in women.

d. distinct disorders, but similar treatments are effective for both.

b. distinct disorders and require different treatment approaches.


Kaley has a big presentation at work. Afterward, her boss tells her she did a terrible job and immediately fires her. Given what you know about how people tend to process their own failures, how will Kaley explain this situation?

a. She did poorly on this presentation because she is stupid.

b. She did poorly on this presentation because the topic was confusing and her boss did not give her enough time to complete it.

c. She did well on this presentation because she is a good public speaker and she is smart.

d. She did well on this presentation because it was easy and her boss did most of the work.

b. She did poorly on this presentation because the topic was confusing and her boss did not give her enough time to complete it.


Damage to this brain area would have a profound impact on motor learning.

a. Broca’s area

b. brain stem

c. Cerebellum

d. cerebral cortex

c. Cerebellum


Which of the following is most characteristic of REM sleep?

a. reduced brain activity

b. involuntary muscle contractions

c. Dreaming

d. delta waves

c. Dreaming


According to gate control theory, pain

a. is overwhelmingly biological.

b. is mainly psychological.

c. is largely immune to cultural influences.

d. reflects an interaction among biological, psychological, and cultural influences.

d. reflects an interaction among biological, psychological, and cultural influences.


What is an unconditioned stimulus?

a. a learned response

b. a reflexive action to a biologically relevant situation

c. something that elicits a learned response

d. something that elicits an unlearned response

d. something that elicits an unlearned response


The storage phase of information processing lasts

a. a fraction of a second.

b. several seconds.

c. several minutes.

d. variable amounts of time.

d. variable amounts of time.


Jamail is trying to decide whether to major in biology or psychology. Kevin is trying to figure out what major might allow him to get a good job right after college. Jamail is engaged in ________; Kevin is engaged in ________.

a. problem solving; decision making

b. inductive reasoning; deductive reasoning

c. decision making; problem solving

d. deductive reasoning; inductive reasoning

c. decision making; problem solving


Recently, Dov has seen an increase in his mood and energy. He has become incredibly creative at work and his boss commented on his increase in productivity. This is a sharp contrast from the major depressive episode he experienced last year. Based on this information, Dov is most likely to be diagnosed with which disorder?

a. bipolar I disorder

b. bipolar II disorder

c. manic disorder

d. major depressive disorder

b. bipolar II disorder


________ is best treated with medication. Unfortunately, motivation to take the drugs is low because ________.

a. Depression; people with depression are often too apathetic to take their medication

b. Depression; the potential benefit is not worth the damaging side effects

c. Bipolar disorder; they are so expensive that almost no one can afford them

d. Bipolar disorder; aspects of the disorder are pleasurable

d. Bipolar disorder; aspects of the disorder are pleasurable


The idea that the mind and body are separate but intertwined describes the viewpoint of

a. dualism.

b. structuralism.

c. introspection.

d. behaviorism.

a. dualism.


Auditory information is received in which lobe of the cerebral cortex?

a. Occipital

b. Parietal

c. temporal

d. frontal

c. temporal


Which of the following is true about REM and dreams?

a. Dreams only occur during REM sleep.

b. Dreams do not occur during REM sleep.

c. Dreams during REM sleep are likely to be mundane.

d. Dreams during REM sleep are likely to be bizarre.

d. Dreams during REM sleep are likely to be bizarre.


Kwamie has broken his wrist. His friend Sam has taken him to the hospital emergency room. While they are waiting, Sam starts an argument with Kwamie about the presidential election, and Kwamie finds that while they are arguing, he feels very little pain. This result has most likely occurred because

a. anger is incompatible with the experience of pain.

b. pain always decreases over time.

c. focusing on the argument closed the pain gate.

d. Kwamie’s nerve fibers thickened as a physical symptom of anger.

c. focusing on the argument closed the pain gate.


What is an unconditioned response?

a. a learned pairing between two stimuli

b. a nervous system reflex

c. an unlearned, automatic behavior following a stimulus

d. an increase in behavior following repeated exposure to a stimulus

c. an unlearned, automatic behavior following a stimulus


The difference between absentmindedness and blocking is that in absentmindedness the information is ________; but in blocking the information is ________.

a. not deeply encoded; temporarily unable to be retrieved

b. lacking in hierarchical organization; not well rehearsed

c. temporarily unable to be retrieved; more vulnerable to suggestibility

d. not well rehearsed; not deeply encoded

a. not deeply encoded; temporarily unable to be retrieved


When David first moved to Austin, he had to rely on the GPS in his car. Over time, David found that he could navigate the city without using his GPS because he knew information about sections of the city and had a rough idea of its shape. David must have developed a ________ of the city.

a. symbolic representation

b. mental map

c. prototype

d. analogical representation

b. mental map


82. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between gender and depression?

a. Contrary to popular opinion, gender and depression are not related.

b. Men are slightly more likely than women to experience depression.

c. Women are twice as likely as men to experience depression.

d. Women are five times as likely as men to experience depression.

c. Women are twice as likely as men to experience depression.


What is the most effective treatment for moderate to severe depression?

a. antidepressant medication only

b. cognitive-behavioral therapy only

c. antidepressants combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy

d. antidepressants combined with cognitive therapy

c. antidepressants combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy


Which early school of psychology used introspection to study subjective mental experiences?

a. Functionalism

c. cognitive

b. Behavioralism

d. structuralism

d. structuralism


Which brain stem structure influences the sleep cycle, as well as general alertness?

a. reticular formation

b. Amygdala

c. Cerebellum

d. Medulla

a. reticular formation


Your friend has a young child who wakes up during the first hour of sleep and walks around with a glassy-eyed look. The little girl can be walked back to bed and does not remember the episode in the morning. Your friend is very worried that his child may have a severe sleep disorder. Based on your knowledge of sleep, you reply that the child most likely

a. has narcolepsy and should be seen immediately by a physician.

b. has an REM behavior disorder, and this could be very dangerous.

c. is sleepwalking, and this condition is not typical for her age group.

d. is sleepwalking, and this condition is typical for her age group.

d. is sleepwalking, and this condition is typical for her age group.


Your aversion to tuna fish–flavored ice cream is most likely a result of what influence?

a. top-down perceptual processing

b. bottom-up perceptual processing

c. top-down sensory processing

d. bottom-up sensory processing

a. top-down perceptual processing


hat is the main difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?

a. Classical conditioning uses reward-based learning, whereas operant conditioning is caused by reflexive actions.

b. Classical conditioning is caused by reflexive actions, whereas operant conditioning requires cognitive evaluation.

c. Classical conditioning requires learning that two events are related, whereas operant conditioning demonstrates that behavior leads to a consequence.

d. Classical conditioning demonstrates that behavior leads to a consequence, whereas operant conditioning is caused by reflexive actions.

c. Classical conditioning requires learning that two events are related, whereas operant conditioning demonstrates that behavior leads to a consequence.


You start to answer an exam question. Even though you know the word for the answer, you cannot remember it. Due to ________, you can remember ________ but not the word itself.

a. change blindness; the shape of the word

b. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon; where on the page of your notes the word is

c. suggestibility; the first letter

d. absentmindedness; one sound in the word

b. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon; where on the page of your notes the word is


You’ve just met Johanna, and find that she is outgoing, funny, and great at telling stories and jokes. If you were relying on the representativeness heuristic to guess what Johanna does for a living, you would be more likely to guess that she is a ________ because you are ________.

a. cashier; ignoring information about base rates

b. stand-up comedian; paying attention to base rates

c. stand-up comedian; ignoring information about base rates

d. cashier; paying attention to base rates

b. stand-up comedian; paying attention to base rates


143. Which of the following personality disorders belong to the same group?

a. schizoid, paranoid, and obsessive-compulsive

b. avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive

c. paranoid, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive

d. antisocial, histrionic, and paranoid

b. avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive


Dr. Malaise is conducting a randomized clinical trial examining whether cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective for depression. In this study, the control group will most likely

a. receive a placebo.

b. have sessions with a therapist in which the therapist will simply talk with them.

c. not have any contact with a therapist.

d. receive cognitive-behavioral therapy from a therapist.

b. have sessions with a therapist in which the therapist will simply talk with them.


Jordan studies consciousness by training himself to objectively report on his own sensations, which is similar to how the ________ school investigated psychology.

a. Structuralist

b. Functionalist

c. psychodynamic

d. behaviorist

a. Structuralist


This brain structure is associated with the formation of memories.

a. Thalamus

b. Amygdala

c. hippocampus

d. hypothalamus

c. hippocampus


At what sleep stage does your breathing become more regular and your awareness of external stimulation decrease?

a. REM

b. stage 4

c. stage 3

d. stage 2

d. stage 2


People stop responding to unchanging stimuli because

a. unchanging stimuli convey little new information.

b. such stimuli can no longer be detected.

c. the stimuli exceed people’s attentional capacity.

d. unchanging stimuli cannot be transduced.

a. unchanging stimuli convey little new information.


When using shaping, it is important to reinforce

a. the first behavior the animal performs.

b. the last behavior the animal performs.

c. both the first and last behavior the animal performs.

d. successive approximations of the desired behavior.

d. successive approximations of the desired behavior.


Being aware of how to serve a ball in tennis involves ________ memory; the act of serving the ball involves ________  memory; and your first memory of serving a tennis ball involves ________  memory.

a. declarative; procedural; episodic

b. episodic; procedural; declarative

c. procedural; declarative; episodic

d. procedural; episodic; declarative

a. declarative; procedural; episodic


Restructuring a problem often reveals a new and more successful approach to solving the problem. This fact suggests that a critical step in problem solving is

a. analyzing subgoals.

b. brainstorming strategies.

c. replicating potential solutions.

d. formulating the problem.

d. formulating the problem.


Strong evidence suggests that borderline personality disorder is

a. primarily genetically determined.

b. primarily environmentally determined.

c. associated with a history of trauma or abuse.

d. primarily due to specific child-mother patterns of behavior.

c. associated with a history of trauma or abuse.


Don has an obsessive-compulsive disorder with obsessions that focus on germs. Don’s therapist asks him to shake hands with everyone in his office and does not allow him to wash his hands afterward. His therapist is engaging in________, which works by ________.

a. exposure and response prevention; making a new link between the stimulus and calm feelings

b. exposure and response prevention; breaking the link between a stimulus and a conditioned response

c. exposure and systematic desensitization; making a new link between the stimulus and calm feelings

d. exposure and systematic desensitization; breaking the link between a stimulus and a conditioned response

b. exposure and response prevention; breaking the link between a stimulus and a conditioned response


Lucinda is afraid of dogs. Her psychologist, Dr. Lee, believes her fear is part of an adaptive response that has helped our species survive. Which psychological approach does Dr. Lee follow?

a. Psychoanalysis

c. social

b. Behaviorism

d. evolutionary

d. evolutionary


Which of the following statements is a myth about brain plasticity across the life span?

a. Most forgetting occurs later in life.

b. Adult brains form no new neurons.

c. Neurogenesis occurs across the life span.

d. Environmental conditions play a large role in neurogenesis.

b. Adult brains form no new neurons.


Occasionally, Jon will fall asleep while working with a customer. Jon is experiencing which sleep disorder?

a. sleep apnea

b. Insomnia

c. narcolepsy

d. paradoxical sleep

c. narcolepsy


Cognitive factors, including ________, can close the neural gate in the spinal cord that allows the signals of pain to be sent to the brain.

a. stress

b. anxiety

c. distraction

d. fear

c. distraction


What type of information CANNOT be learned through observation?

a. societal expectations, such as how to act at the dinner table

b. complex motor tasks, such as how to operate a lawnmower

c. reinforcement schedules, such as when and how a behavior is rewarded

d. stimulus-response chains, such as quickly reacting to a loud sound

d. stimulus-response chains, such as quickly reacting to a loud sound


You study Spanish during your freshman and sophomore years of college but then take a Portuguese class your senior year. You are likely to ________ learning Portuguese because of all the Spanish you learned due to________.

a. have trouble; proactive interference

b. have trouble; retroactive interference

c. have no trouble; chunking

d. have no trouble; persistence

a. have trouble; proactive interference


Cara is a mechanic at the local garage. This morning she has seen three cars that would not start, all of which needed new batteries. When a fourth car that will not start is brought in, Cara assumes the problem is the battery. Cara’s assumption reflects ________. If the problem is actually with the car’s transmission, Cara will need to ________ to solve the problem.

a. functional fixedness; restructure

b. her mental set; restructure

c. functional fixedness; reframe

d. her mental set; reframe

b. her mental set; restructure


Which of the following behavioral characteristics distinguishes antisocial personality disorder from other personality disorders?

a. The person has a weak sense of self and does not like to be alone.

b. The person shifts rapidly from one mood or emotion to another without any obvious reason.

c. The person is uncaring and exploitative of others, with little obvious guilt.

d. The person struggles with chronic feelings of emptiness and engages in self-mutilating behaviors.

c. The person is uncaring and exploitative of others, with little obvious guilt.


Joanna is seeing a therapist for her depression. During each session, her therapist asks her to keep a list of negative thoughts and then he challenges her to replace each thought with more adaptive ones. Joanna’s therapist is using ________ therapy to treat her depression.

a. cognitive-behavioral

b. behavioral

c. client-centered

d. psychodynamic

a. cognitive-behavioral
