What is the DSM?
Book of combined information about mental disorders in order to improve diagnoses, treatment and research.
What are some characteristics of schizophrenia?
Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized, and speech and behavior.
What are some characteristics of Tourette's?
A nervous system disorder involving repetitive movements and unwanted sounds.
How does postpartum depression hinder a new mother?
It prevents them from caring for their baby.
Anxious, feeling hopelessness, irritability, loss of interest, decreased energy, feeling restless, difficult concentrating, difficulty sleeping, appetite and or weight changes, thoughts of death or suicide.
What version of the DSM are we currently on?
How long must a person exhibit symptoms before they can be diagnosed with schizophrenia?
6 months
How can Cognitive Behavior Therapy help a person with OCD?
It helps them become aware of how their thoughts affect how they feel and then affect their behavior. By becoming mindful of this cycle, a person is able to recognize and learn to control their obsessive and compulsive thoughts.
What is psychotic depression?
When a person has severe depression along with delusions and hallucinations.
What does ADHD stand for?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Why does the DSM need to be updated?
To update language and to keep up with research.
What are some theories that cause schizophrenia?
Genetics, the environment, imbalance of chemicals in the brain.
How does depression influences a person's life?
It changes how a person thinks, feels, and their behaviors.
What is seasonal affective disorder?
When a person becomes depressed during the winter months.
What are some characteristics of ADHD?
Aggression, fidgeting, irritability, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
What are some examples of social disorders in the DSM?
ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attachment disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Eating Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia, Tourettes Disorder
How long will a person have schizophrenia for?
Is depression common?
What are some characteristics of seasonal disorder?
Social withdrawal, increased sleep and weight gain.
What is PTSD?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Why do we need the DSM?
To standardize psychiatric diagnoses: so that all mental health clinicians are on the same page about what is and what is not a disorder.
What are the different types of OCD?
Checking, contamination, hoarding and intrusive thoughts
What is it called when a pregnant woman or a woman who has recently had birth has depression?
Postpartum Depression
What is it called when a person has extreme highs and extreme lows, that can cause depression?
Bipolar Disorder
What are some characteristics of PTSD?
Nightmares or flashbacks, avoidance of situations that bring back trauma, anxiety or depression.