To be in Fast & Furious you have to...
Learn to drive
Example: Visit a museum with your teachers and classmates.
After a teenager you become a...
Young adult
To lay in the sun
To tell people to come to your house
invite friends over
To get a higher education you...
Go to University.
To assist a person
Help someone
Before you are old you are...
Middle Aged
For an exam you must...
study hard
When people stay at your house over night
Have a sleepover
Casa, Casa, Casa
What are the three terms about your home?
Move house
Leave home
Buy a house
Find unknown people to talk to and do activities with.
Make a new friends
Children 13 to 19 years old are what?
To buy something you need to...
spend money
Share a room
Love, Love, Love
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend
Get married
Have children
Text your friends
Old people are also known as what?
Sometimes I like to __________ alone after a long day.
spend time
Laziness often leads to _____________ at the weekend.
Have a lie in
Work, work, work, work
You _____________, then you _________ when you're 67.
get a job, retire
Start an unfamiliar athletic activity
What are the 3 children terms in Unit 5?
baby, toddler, teenager
High performance in any given event or activity
Do well at
I don't want McDonalds. I'm going to...
Cook a healthy meal