Supplies nutrients to the nervous tissue, Removes metabolic wastes, acts as a mechanical barrier that cushions the brain and spinal cord
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Highly acidic, Hydrochloric acid
Produced by stomach for digestion of food
Primarily used to diagnose respiratory infections by Microbiology lab such as Whooping cough, Influenza, RSV
Nasopharyngeal Secretions
An invasive procedure which is performed STAT, not easily collected
CSF testing
WBC diff testing
Stained slide
Types of cells seen show what type of infection is present
Where CSF produced?
Choroid Plexus
Potassium chloride
Sodium chloride
Salts in the stomach
A small amount of saline or microbiology transport medium is flushed into a nostril using a sterile syringe
Then removed back into syringe by gentle suction
Nasopharyngeal Washing
Organisms which are present are grown and identified in the....
present due to a traumatic tap
CSF total volume
90-150mL in adults
10-60mL in neonates
Gastric Stimulation test
pH of fasting speciman
Meds given to stimulate gastric secretions
Volume, pH, and acid production tested @ 15min intervals
Nasopharyngeal Secretion Test
Many of these neurological disorders cause increase CSF protein levels (3)
Bacterial meningitis, damage to the blood-brain barrier, degradation of neural tissue.
Should be clear and colorless
3 sterile tubes to collect CSF
Tube 1- chemical and serology
TUbe 2- microbiology
Tube 3- cell count
Enzymes in the stomach
Who collects Nasopharyngeal Secretions
Collected by Micro lab, nursing, or respiratory therapist
Used to determine if microorganisms are causing an infection in the central nervous system
Microbiology System
If testing cannot performed immediately this tube should be left at room temp
Microbiology tube
Based on patients age and cranial pressure
Volume removed
Used to diagnose stomach ulcers. cancer, and inflammation
Gastric Fluid Analysis
How many times do you rotate the swab and how long do you leave it in place for a Nasopharyngeal
5 times
5-10 seconds
This type of testing identifies which antimicrobials are most likely to be effective for treatment
If testing cannot be performed right away this tube should be refrigerated and eventually frozen
Chemistry and Serology tube