Jim Crow Laws
Public Figures
Civil Rights
The Reconstruction

What were "Jim Crow" Laws?

These were laws enacted after the reconstruction, which enforced racial segregation.


Who is one of the most famous civil rights activist, famously known for his " I have a dream speech"?

Martin Luther King jr.


What are "civil rights" ?

The rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.


What was the "Reconstruction" ?

Process of reuniting the country and rebuilding the South after the Civil War


What is the American Civil War?

A war between the northern and southern States of the United States, in which the nothern states wanted to abolish slavery while the south wanted to maintain slavery (the north won).


Which section of the United States had more Jim Crow laws, the north or the south?

The south


List three notable figures of the civil rights movement

Martin Luther king, Rosa parks, Malcolm X,  W. E. B. Du Bois, James Baldwin, Fannie Lou Hamer,  Bayard Rustin, Dorothy Height, Claudette Colvin, Pauli Murray, Malcolm, Muhammad Ali, Maya Angelou


Brown vs. The board of education

A supreme court case in which put an end to segregation in public schools


What was the literacy test, and what effect did it have on black citizens?

A test given to persons to prove they can read and write before being allowed to register to vote. This test prevented many blacks from voting, because of their lack of education.


What was the Harlem Renaissance?

A period in which African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished


How did Jim Crow laws get their name?

Jim Crow laws got their name from a song called "Jump Jim Crow" which was performed by white actors in blackface at minstrel shows.


Who is the person responsible for starting the Montgomery bus boycott?

Rosa Parks


Why did the south want to remain with slaves?

The South needed slaves in order to thrive because these states were agricultural based, while the northern states were industrial states and therefore, did not require slaves


What were "Black Codes"?

Laws that were passed to limit African-American freedoms in the South after the Civil War


What is the Ku Klux Klan?

A group of white Southerners who intimidated and used violence to prevent African Americans from achieving equality in the South after the Civil War

What areas of society were affected by Jim Crow Laws?

A. Schools

B. Prisons

C. Restaurants

D. Transportation 

E. All of the above

E. All of the above


Who are the "little rock nine"?

Black students who integrated into Central High School in Little Rock, 1957.


What president ordered that the army be desegregated?

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Franklin Roosevelt 

C. John F. Kennedy

D. Harry Truman

E.  Woodrow Wilson

D. Harry Truman


What are the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.

13th- Abolished slavery

14th- Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

15th- citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude


Who is Emmett Till?

A fourteen year old African American boy who was lynched due to whistling at a white woman and hereby offending her.


What was it called when people were charged a fee to vote?

A. Voter registration 

B. Poll tax

C. Voter subscription

D. Literacy test

 E. Vote price

B. Poll tax


Who is Bayard Rustin?

An American leader and activist for civil rights, nonviolence and gay rights; helped organize the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and was the organizer for the 1963 March on Washington.


What law passed in 1964 helped put an end to Jim Crow Laws?

A. Civil Rights Act

B. Thirteenth Amendment

C. Emancipation Proclamation

D. New Deal 

E. Social Security Act

A. Civil Rights Act


What was the Plessy vs. Ferguson supreme court case?

A supreme court case that legalized segregation in the united states as long as it was "equal".


What is the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and what did it do?

An African-American civil rights organization; SCLC
started the "Birmingham campaign" which focused on desegregating Birmingham's downtown merchants. There was also  the “March on Washington” in 1963, a massive success that pushed for the removal of segregation everywhere. 
