Enlightenment Docs
The Making of America
Branches of Government
The Amendments
Branches of Government

Which documents influenced the colonists' views of government?

Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Common Sense


Montesquieu’s idea that no single branch of government should be more powerful than another influenced the founding of the United States.  

What characteristic of U.S. government was developed from this belief?

Separation of powers


What article of the Constitution talks about the Executive branch?

Article II of the Constitution


One right under the 5th Amendment protects citizens accused of a crime from what?

Protects those accused of a crime: (5 parts)

  1. Grand jury: jury must decide fate
  2. Double Jeopardy: can’t be tried twice for the same crime
  3. Self-incrimination: “pled the 5th” don’t have to testify against themselves
  4. Due Process: Can’t take away a person’s life, liberty, or property
  5. Eminent Domain: Private property may be taken by the government for public use, but the owner must be fairly compensated

•It established the principle of Judicial review: Courts duty to interpret laws

•It established the power of the Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

• Marbury vs. Madison


How did Magna Carta influence the colonists’ views of government?

It gave them the idea that everyone is entitled to certain natural rights.


Below is a statement from a historical document.

A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

In which document is this statement found?

Declaration of Independence


What Article of the Constitution states the powers and responsibility of the Judicial Branch, and what is the job of the Judicial Branch?

Article III: establishes the Judicial Branch

Its job is to interpret the law and decide if its Constitutional or Unconstitutional 


Ricardo is from the Dominican Republic and he has just become a naturalized American citizen. He wants to vote but believes he is not entitled to the same rights as natural born citizens. Which Constitutional right guarantees him citizenship rights, and grants him equal protection under the law?

14th Amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the US are citizens of the US and protected equally under the law.


Students wore armbands as protest of Vietnam war. Sued school for violation of 1st Amendment rights

• Tinker v. Des Moines


The passage below was written by Thomas Paine in his 1776 pamphlet, Common Sense.

And as he hath shown himself such an … enemy to liberty, and discovered such a thirst for ... power, is he, or is he not, a proper man to say to these colonies, "You shall make no laws but what I please"?

Based on this passage, how is the author’s view reflected in the U.S. political system?

The monarchy creates limited government.


Which branches of government did NOT exist under the Articles of Confederation?

executive and judicial


Where do you go when you want to attempt to overturn a guilty ruling of a District level federal court?

Courts of Appeals


Michael just turned 18 years old. He is extremely excited. He has spent the past two months doing research about the political candidates and is going to fulfill his citizen responsibility to vote. What Amendment gives Michael the right to vote at 18 years old?

26th Amendment: lowered the voting age to 18 years old


Court said it was illegal to segregate Schools by race

• Brown v. Board of Education


Which idea is from the Magna Carta?

The government should give people a fair and speedy trial


Below is the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Why did the Framers include the Preamble as the introduction to the US Constitution?

To establish the goals and purposes of government


When the President nominates an individual to serve as Secretary of State, the Senate must confirm the appointment. Which constitutional principle does this illustrate? SS.7.C.1.7

A.Limited government

B.Popular sovereignty

C.Separation of powers

D.Checks and balances


D.Checks and balances


Hailey was accused of grand theft auto. She is only 19 years old and doesn’t make very much money. She cannot afford legal counsel. The officers inform her that if she cannot afford legal counsel (lawyer) one will be appointed to her. What Constitutional Amendment grantees Hailey this right?

6th Amendment: Right to Legal Counsel


All people accused of crimes must be read their 5th Amendment Rights

• Miranda v. Arizona


The passage below comes from the Declaration of Independence (1776) SS.7.C.1.4

“he has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures…” 

Which section of the Declaration contained this passage?

Its list of colonial grievances


Why did the Preamble to the Constitution begin with the phrase, “We the People”? SS.7.C.1.6

A.To indicate that the national government had limited powers

B.To indicate that the states had been associated in a confederation

C.To indicate that federal power was separated among three branches

D.To indicate that the American people were the ultimate source of its authority

D.To indicate that the American people were the ultimate source of its authority


What article of the Constitution talks about the Legislative branch and its powers, and into what two chambers is Congress is separated?

What is the job of the Legislative branch?

Article I

The Senate and the House of Representatives

Make the Laws


Turner is going to court for breaking a law. He believes that the law is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, but that it is still a right granted to him as an American Citizen. If Turner is correct, and this right is not written, but does exist, what Amendment is he referring too?

9th Amendment: Unremunerated rights: just because a right is not specifically stated, does not mean they do not exist. They are just assumed


All people must be given a legal counsel if they cannot afford one: 6th Amendment

• Gideon v. Wainwright
