Narrative Writing
Informational Writing
Argumentative Writing
The Rubric
Taking down the test

True or False: You should include information from both passages in your narrative. 



This is what the acronym HIT that you should use in the introduction stands for. 

What is Hook, Information, Thesis? 


These should be included in an argumentative thesis statement. 

What are the claim and the reasons? 


Having the correct point of view and a clear thesis statement will help you score well in this category on the TNReady writing rubric. 

What is focus and organization? 


This is the first thing you should do on the writing test. 

What is break down the prompt? 


These five senses can help you think of sensory details to include in your story. 

What are sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell? 


This is another word for informational essay. 

What is explanatory? 


This opposing claim and the evidence to contradict it is often found in the third body paragraph and should always be used in an argumentative essay. 

What is the counterclaim and the rebuttal? 


Avoiding contractions and common spelling errors and using proper grammar and sentence structure will help you score well in this category of the TNReady writing rubric. 

What is conventions? 


This is the second thing that you should do on the writing test. 

What is read and annotate the passages? 


This comes at the end of the story when your character thinks back at what he or she learns from the story that just occurred. 

What is a reflection? 


This acronym should be used in the body paragraphs, and this is what it stands for. 

What is TIDE? (Topic sentence, Important text evidence, Detailed elaboration, Ending sentence) 


This point-of view should be avoided when writing an argumentative essay. 

What is first person? 


Having a variety of sentence types and transitional phrases will help you score well on this category of the TNReady writing rubric. 

What is language and style? 


This is the third, and most important, thing that you should do if you want to take down the writing test. 

What is build a plan? 


This graphic organizer can help you plan out a narrative story. 

What is a plot diagram? 


These are three of the seven types of elaboration. 

What are example, definition, emotion, connection, history, prediction, and comparison? (Must have named three!) 


Your conclusion should include these things. 

What is restating the claim and restating your main reasons? 


Using strong text evidence and effective elaborations will help you score well on this category of the TNReady writing rubric. 

What is development? 


After writing the essay or story, you should spend the remainder of your time doing this. 

What is editing and revising? 


These are the five elements of narrative writing. 

What are pacing, dialogue, description, point of view, and reflection?


This point-of-view should be used when writing an informational essay. 

What is 3rd person objective? 


Describe the structure of an argumentative essay. 

Five paragraphs; Thesis statement as last sentence of introductory paragraph. Thesis statement = claim +2 reasons why. Body paragraphs are written as TIDE. The body paragraphs should be about the reasons. The last body paragraph should be the counterclaim/rebuttal paragraph. There should also be a conclusion paragraph. 


These are the four categories of the TNReady writing rubric. 

What are development, focus and organization, language and style, and conventions? 


These are the five steps to take down the TNReady writing assessment. 

What is break down the prompt, read and annotate the passages, build a plan, write, and revise and edit?
