When Jesus asked his disciples "Whom say YE that I am?" Peter responded this.
What is 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God"?
What is "transfiguration"?
Who was Peter?
The only sign Jesus said he would give the Pharisees and Sadducees who asked for one.
The sign of Jonah (being "dead" and rising in three days).
Jesus talked about this sailors' wisdom when the Pharisees asked him for a sign.
What is "Red sky at night, sailors' delight.
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning"?
Also: if the sky is red in the evening, the next day will have good weather. If the sky is red in the morning, the day will be stormy.
Jesus said that we will find this if we lose it for his sake.
What is our life?
These disciples were close by to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration.
Who are Peter, James, and John?
Christ said he would build this on the Rock.
What is his church?
A man came to Christ to heal his son, who was "lunatick," foamed and gnashed his teeth, pined away, and often fell into these things.
What are fire and water?
Jesus said anyone who wants to follow him needs to take up this deathly burden.
What is a cross?
Jesus told this being to "get behind him" as he told the disciples he must die in order to fulfill his mission.
Who is Satan?
Jesus's clothes became this color as he was transfigured.
What was "shining" white as snow, "so as no fuller on earth can white them"?
Jesus said anyone who harms children would be better off having one of these tied around his neck while in the ocean.
What is a millstone?
[a table-sized round stone used to crush grain with its weight]
Jesus said for harder problems, we need faith and also to accompany a blessing with these two things.
What are prayer and fasting?
Jesus said if any disciple wanted to be first, he should be like this.
What are "last," or a servant or a child?
When Jesus asked his disciples "Whom do MEN say that I the son of man am?", his disciples mentioned these two prophets.
Who is Elias or John the Baptist?
These two prophets appeared, and this being bore witness of Christ, on the Mount of Transfiguration.
Who are Elias (Elijah) and Moses, and Heavenly Father?
Jesus gave his disciples "all power and authority" over these two "d" words.
What are devils and diseases?
Jesus told his disciples to find money to pay taxes in the mouth of this animal.
What is a fish?
Jesus told the disciples to beware of this bread ingredient, meaning the corrupt doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
What is "leaven," or yeast?
The father of the boy who gnashed his teeth and cast himself into dangerous situations cried out this famous line about his faith when Jesus told him to believe.
What is Christ's resurrection?
Jesus told his disciples to do these two things as they went away to serve.
With a couple or few fish and this many loaves of bread, Jesus fed this many people, with this many baskets left over.
What are
-five seven loaves of bread
-four or five thousand people
-seven or twelve baskets left over?
It may not be the best for memes, but Jesus said to have this in yourselves so that you can "flavor" the world.
What is salt?
[Mark 9:50 "Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another."]