Where God confused language
What is the Tower of Babel
Day of Rest
What is the Sabbath
What happened first and second
1. Creation
2.Fall of Man
first two plagues
What is water and blood, frogs
1st and 2nd commandments
What are Thou shalt have no other gods before Me, and Thou shalt not make any graven image
Angles of God
What are the Cherubim
Throne of pure gold and the tent with an alter
What is the mercy seat, and tabernacle
What happened third and fourth?
3. Flood
4. Tower of Babel
third and fourth plagues
3rd and 4th commandments
Bird that Noah sent out to find dry land
What was the dove
Bread without yeast and what kind of bread did God provide in the wilderness
unleavened bread and manna
What happened fifth and sixth
5.Call of Abraham
6. Twins Born to Struggle
5th and 6th plagues
What are cattle and sores
5th and 6th commandments
What are Honor thy father and mother, and Thou shalt no kill
A crisis caused by lack of food
What is a famine
Feast celebrating the Exodus of the Jews
What is Passover
What happened seventh and eighth
7. Joseph in Prison
8. A Famine in Egypt
7th and 8th plagues
What are hail and fire and locusts
7th and 8th commandments
Held the 10 Commandments
What is the Ark of the Covenant
One-tenth bushel of bread and what idol god the Hebrews made
omer and golden calf
What happened on ninth and tenth?
9. Passover
10. Parting of the Red Sea
9th and 10th plagues
What are darkness and death of the first born
9th and 10th commandments
What are Thou shalt not bear false witness and Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife or belongings.