Figurative Language
Non-Fiction Texts
Fact or Opinion?

from The Bridge by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And like those waters rushing
   Among the wooden piers,
A flood of thoughts came o’er me
   That filled my eyes with tears. 

In the simile in this stanza, which two items are being compared?

What is rushing waters and a flood of thoughts?


a shortened statement or paragraph explaining only the main points

What is a summary?


Rocks are continually changing. Wind and water wear them down and carry bits of rock away; the tiny particles accumulate in a lake or ocean and harden into rock again. The oldest rock that has ever been found is more than 3.9 billion years old... 

Which is the best heading for this paragraph?

  1. Rocks Tell the Story of the Earth 
  2. Types of Rocks that Change
  3. Tiny Particles Make the Earth 
  4. Identifying a Rock’s Age 
  5. Why Scientists Study Earth’s Rocks 

What is....Rocks Tell the Story of the Earth?


Darrian decided to cultivate his musical ability by practicing  his trumpet each night and trying to play more difficult songs. 

Which two words are synonyms of cultivate as it is used in this sentence? 

  •  ponder
  •  contact 
  •  document 
  •  submit
  •  improve
  • refine 

What are improve and refine?


Jabba the Hut is gross.

What is an opinion?


What is a metaphor?


Problem and Solution as well Chronological are examples of this.....

What are text structures?


Starting a Collection 

  …The collection can be as large or as small as its owner wishes…A rock collection might begin with stones picked up from the ground near your home. These stones may have limited variety and can be replaced later by better specimens.

Based on this paragraph, what may the reader infer about a rock collection?

a. It can be built to fit the owner’s preference.

b. It is difficult to do.

c. It does not cost money to begin.

d. It is bad for your home.

What is....

a. It can be built to fit the owner’s preference.

c. It does not cost money to begin. ?


Louise seemed immersed in the lesson, taking notes while her teacher explained the topic and asking questions when she wanted more information. 

In this sentence, which words or phrases help define the word immersed?

  •  seemed
  •  the lesson
  •  taking notes
  • explained the topic
  • asking questions
  • information 

What are taking notes and asking questions?


 The house was painted recently on November 18, 2012, so it looks as good as new. 

What is Opinion?


My Dog

Little Girl is my dog

She sleeps like a log

She has a huge mouth,

And eats like a hog

In her excitement

Her tail is a whip times ten.

When she sees food

Her eyes start to spin.

Name two examples of figurative language in this poem.

What is _________ ?

sleeps like a log (simile)

eats like a hog (simile)

her tail is a whip times ten (hyperbole/metaphor)

her eyes start to spin (hyperbole)


Yoda was one of the most renowned and powerful Jedi Masters in galactic history. He was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force and skills in lightsaber combat. Yoda served as a member of the Jedi High Council in the last centuries of the Galactic Republic and as Grand Masteroversaw the Jedi Order before, during and after the devastating Clone Wars. 

Is this?

  1. description 
  2. cause and effect
  3. compare and contrast 
  4. problem and solution
  5. Dark Side

Description what is?


Topic: Why Do We Love R2-D2 and Not C-3PO?

What type of text structure might be written for this question?

What is Compare and Contrast?


If the root word ped = foot, choose all of the following words that use that meaning.

a. pedestrian

b. pedicure

c. biped

d. pediatrician

What is (A)pedestrian, (B)pedicure, (C)biped?


There are seven colleges and universities in Loudoun County.

What is Fact?


"While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping..."

The Raven -

Edgar Allan Poe

What is alliteration?


What are these sentences examples of?

  • All birds have wings.
  • Many children eat cereal for breakfast.
  • Everyone in Ashburn likes Zinga.

What are generalizations?


Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and so dementors have to guard Hogwarts. 

What type of text structure is this?

What is Cause and Effect?


Michael was almost ready to leave when he realized that he had misplaced his keys.  After searching for ten minutes, he found the keys in his backpack. (Nice going Michael!)

Which two words help the reader to understand the meaning of misplaced?

What is searching and found?


Loudoun County has many activities that children will enjoy.

What is opinion?


The nachos overflowed with cheese. It ran like a waterfall over the edge of the carton they were in. A bright yellow smothered the thin-cut fries.

In terms of imagery which sense is this appealing to?

What is the sense of sight?


Which comprehension skill does this represent?

Background Knowledge (What you already know) + Text Clues (What the author tells you) =

What is an inference?


In the early 1800s, the United States needed room to grow. The trouble was most people lived in the East. The cities were crowded. New land was expensive. Young families couldn’t afford to buy farms.

Then the United States government purchased land from France. The government also acquired land from Mexico. Soon the country stretched all the way to the Pacific Ocean. People looked to the setting sun with outstretched arms and said, "Go west!"

Name that text structure:

What is Problem and Solution?


A small vice in Craig's writing style is his habit of not explaining his ideas, but he can improve with increased effort.

What is the meaning of vice in this sentence?

  1. a bad practice
  2. an unusual activity
  3. a confusing situation
  4. an interesting concept

What is (A) a bad practice?


According to the U.S. Census there are approximately 400,000 residents living in Loudoun County.

What is Fact?
