Anchor's Away
It's Greek to me
On the Shoulders
A Binary World?

This marine mammal was an early expert in extreme underwater sea communications.  

What is "dolphin"


In 400 BC, Hippocrates gave proscribed tea from the willow leaf to relieve pain associated with this condition.

What is childbirth?


The Leyden Jar was the first device to temporarily store an electric charge. This founding father captured electricity in one. 

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


A valley in California is named after this type of integrated circuit.  

What is a Silicon Valley?


Enzymes are protein sequences that can now be used to treat inflammation, but they look more like this popular party item. 

What is confetti?


In 1714 the British parliament launched one of the oldest prize competitions in history.  The purpose was to spur the discovery of this.

What is Longitude?


French chemist, Anselme Payen, discovered the first enzyme and named it after this Greek Word. 

What is yeast?


Volta's first wet-cell battery used sea water for electrical conductivity, but the Cade Museum uses this electrolyte replacement beverage.  

What is Gatorade?


By sending dots and dashes along a wire, this type of code laid the foundation for all communications networks. 

What is Morse Code?


What's a party without a straw?! Stephen Miller and Ryan Martin, UF chemists, won the 2nd Annual Cade Prize with this invention to keep them from polluting rivers and lakes.

What are bio-degradable plastics?


Before Marconi invented the radio, ships used to communicate primarily with semaphore flags. What Cade Prize winner is this announcing?

What is EVERIX? Optical Filters with the thinnest filters in history.


A forerunner of Path Optical, the Greeks used fire signals by night and this invention by day, to "text" messages hundreds of miles in a matter of hours.

What is a heliograph?


This jar is the ancestor of the capacitor designed by Capacitech.  It rhymes with Hayden. 

What is a Leyden Jar?


Greeks and Romans didn't understand zero. The concept was imported to Europe by the same guy behind this sequence.  


Who is Fibonacci?


Daniel Yeh and his team from USF invented an extreme bio-recycling toilet.  It just appeared on this famous comedy television network. 

What is Comedy Central ?


The modern submarine, invented by John Holland, was inspired by this famous novel.

What is  20,000 leagues under the sea?


Hippocrates didn't know about enzymes or this 60's rock band, but he recommended getting rid of these things for relieving inflammation. 

What are blood, sweat, and tears?


Electrical charge in capacitors is measured in Farads, named after this scientist who first figured out how to store unused electrons.  

Who is Michael Faraday?

​Medieval accountants used the "cipher" in secret, because the church was suspicious.  "Sifr" is Arabic for this number.           ​

What is zero?


The fermentation of this ancient drink eventually led to the discovery of enzymes.

What is beer?


Anchor Biologics works with an enzyme with this scientific name, that "anchors" to a glucose molecule to deliver treatment. 

What is IDO or Indoleamine-pyrrole 2,3-dioxygenase



Electron is derived from the Greek word for Amber, which was the name of this famous Greek Goddess. 

Who was Electra?


Leibniz, the founder of calculus and the modern binary system, was known to have a copy of this Chinese document.

What is I-Ching? 


The two words "Binary" and "Digit" were combined into this word. 

What is a bit?


The 10th Annual Cade Prize, the longest running innovation prize in the state of Florida, is named after Dr. Cade, the inventor of this infamous drink?
