This food group is associated with the color ORANGE.
What is the GRAINS group?
How many minutes should youth be engaged in moderate-vigorous physical activity every day?
What is 60 minutes?
The main nutrient of this food group is Calcium.
What is the DAIRY group?
The number of food groups on My Plate.
Five (5)
This is an example of a root vegetable.
Radish, beet, potato, turnip, carrot or jicama? (any of these, or other correct answers)
This symbol represents all the food groups to include in a balanced diet.
What is My Plate?
When you are doing moderate-vigorous physical activity, this large muscle pumps faster.
The heart
The main nutrient of this food group helps your body build muscles.
One tablespoon of peanut butter can be symbolized by this body part.
This is the healthiest beverage for staying hydrated.
Foods with no nutritional value are called this.
Extra (or woah) foods.
Two of these are moderate-vigorous activities:
Playing soccer, reading, cycling, texting, leisurely walking.
Playing soccer and cycling
This nutrient helps your body to fight colds and heal from cuts, and is a main nutrient in fruits.
Vitamin C
One serving of chicken is about the same size as this body part.
Palm of your hand
Types of beverages that should be limited or avoided because of their high sugar content, lack of nutrients, and because they don't do a good job of hydrating the body.
Sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda pop and energy drinks. (Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Monster, Red Bull, etc.)
Nuts, beans and tofu belong in this food group.
This organ often turns visibly red when you are doing moderate-vigorous physical activity.
This is the main nutrient of vegetables. It helps you to have healthy skin and eyes.
Vitamin A
One fist of cooked carrots or dry cereal is equal to how many cups?
One cup
"Extra" foods are usually high in at least one of these 3 things.
Sugar, salt, fat.
(Will accept calories as an answer if at least two of the other options are said.)
If you are eating a leaf, a root, or a stem, you are most likely eating a food from this food group.
Vegetable Group
These two words stand for the type or intensity of exercise you should do for 60 minutes each day.
Vitamin B, the main nutrient in foods like brown rice and wheat bread, provides the body with this.
A completely balanced meal includes foods from...
All 5 food groups.
This is found on packaged foods and provides information such as calories and nutrients.
Nutrition Facts Label