Past tense of rake
What is raked
What is found
Who is Korea's President right now?
What is Moon Jae-In
Is jeopardy a fun game?
What is yes
Past Tense of "Mr. Kevin is so handsome"
What is "Mr. Kevin was so handsome"
She draws a picture
What is she drew a picture
What is the name of Jeongbal Poly's director
What is Mr. Jay
How many planets are there in the solar system?
What is 8 planets
Future Tense of "Miss Kara loves cats"
What is "Miss Kara will love cats"
What is quit
Past tense of rang
What is rung
Korea's independence day?
What is August 15th
Past tense of "digest"
What is "digested"
What is shook
Past tense of hold
What is held
How many days did February 2019 have?
What is 28 days
Future tense of "Mr. Kevin's drawings are amazing"
What is "Mr. Kevin's drawings will be amazing"
What is broadcast
Mr. Kevin's favorite class?
What is GT3B3-1
Who is the best teacher?
What is Mr. Kevin