What drug of abuse causes the following symptoms while intoxicated: Sedation Ataxia Lack of impulse control Respiratory depression Airway Compromise Aspiration?
CNS derpressants
Alcohol Benzodiazepines Barbiturates
Use of a substance that causes a problem with job, school, personal, legal.
Substance abuse
Substance Detoxification
The substance leaving the body under medical supervision usually in an inpatient facility
Antidote Reversal agent for narcotics opioids
Narcan Naloxone
Nurse should set firm limits and be consistent these manipulative personality disorders who may act out towards the nurse if feeling threatened or in no control
Antisocial and borderline
What drug classification causes the following while intoxicated?
Tachycardia Hypertension Hyperthermia Tachypnea Psychosis Hallucination Illusion
CNS Stimulants Crack Cocaine Methamphetamine Crystal Ice Ritalin methylphenidate
Without the substance signs and symptoms of withdrawal will occur
Substance dependence
Withdrawal symptoms that include the following:
Tachycardia Hypertension Hyperthermia Tachypnea Psychosis Hallucination Illusion Delirium Tremors Coma and Death
CNS depressant withdrawal
Alcohol Barbiturate Benzidiazepines
Antidote for benzodiazepine but watch out for seizures
These personality disorder clients will benefit from assertiveness training and role modeling by the nurse.
Dependent and histrionic personality disorders
What drug of substance abuse cause the following while intoxicated?
Euphoria Pinpoint pupils Respiratory depression Constipation anorexia
Opioids Narcotics Morphine Heroin Fentanyl Oxycontin
Physiological/psychological signs and symptoms when the substance is inside the body
Substance intoxication
Withdrawal symptoms that include the following:
Depression Suicidal ideation Suicide
Withdrawal from CNS Stimulants:
Crack Cocaine Methamphetamine
Methadone, Buprenorphine,Naltrexone, Naloxone are medications used to treat this type of substance addiction abstinence maintenance.
Opioid Narcotic dependence addiction
Clients with these personality disorders prefer to be alone and isolated and the nurse should respect their need.
Schizoid and schizotypal
What substance abuse drug causes hallucinations, illusion, and delusions and can lead to avolution or paranoia?
Hallucinogenics PCP LSD and marijuana(mild)
Physiological/Psychological signs and symptoms when the substance leaves the body
Substance withdrawal
Withdrawal includes the following:
Nausea vomiting diarrhea Rhinorrhea (runny nose) Lacrimation( Watery Eyes) Piloerection (Goose bumps)Severe body aches and pains
Opioid Narcotic withdrawal
Antabuse-disulfiram, Campral-acamprosate, and Revia-naltrexone are used for this type of substance addiction abstinence maintenance
Alcohol abstinence
This personality disorder can be flirtatious so the nurse must maintain professional boundaries and communications
Histrionic personality
Name this substance abuse drug that can cause the following while intoxicated.
Dissociative Not present Depersonalization out of body De-realization World feel not real and can also be a stimulant
Party designer drugs ecstasyMDMA and ketamine and "molly"
More and more of the same substance is needed to prevent withdrawal symptoms
Substance tolerance
Withdrawal may include the following:
Amnesia memory loss and depression risk of suicide
Withdrawal from Party designer drugs Molly Ecstasy
MDMA Ketamine
Varencicline and Bupropion are used for abstinence maintenance from this substance addiction
This personality disorder can cause the nurse to over step the professional boundaries because this client needs the nurse so much.
Dependent personality disorder