Red bumps or spots on your skin
Chest Hurts
Emergency. Get Help NOW!
Joe had a blister. He ran out of class to tell the office.
Wrong thing. A blister is a small problem and you can wait to tell someone until later.
Type of job
Real Estate Agent
Helps people buy and sell houses.
You have to go to the bathroom a lot
Medium problem. Don't wait to tell an adult.
Moshe stayed home from school because he had diarrhea. When he came back to school he told all of his friends he had diarrhea.
Wrong. You only tell one person if you need help. He already got help and so should not be talking about it. He could have told his friends he was sick or had an upset stomach.
Someone you work with
They get rid of bugs and small animals like mice.
When you can't go to the bathroom even though you feel like you need to go
Small problem. Tell an adult but it DOESN'T need to be now.
Daniel was staying at his grandparents for Shabbos while his parents were away. He woke up and saw his leg was swollen. He told his grandfather.
Right. His grandparents are the people in charge of helping him. Swollen body parts are a medium problem and you should not wait to tell someone one.
The amount of money you will earn
In charge of a store or office
Feel like you are going to throw up
A person is bleeding a lot and can not get it to stop.
Emergency. Get help NOW!!
Shimon threw up in the school bathroom. He told Mrs. Smith who made a plan with him. Then he told Rabbi Stern, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Shaw.
Wrong. You only tell one person about a problem.
The time of day you work (morning, afternoon, night, weekends)
Helps keep track of money. Tells people how much to pay in taxes.
Feel like your head is spinning.
Paper cut
No big deal. You don't need to tell someone.
At camp, Zev got hit in the head with a basketball. He told his counselor.
Right. Getting hit in the head is a medium problem and you should tell someone right away. The counselor is the person in charge of helping you at camp.
Someone who works without getting paid
Graphic Designer
They make sure that websites, flyers other things on the computer like ads looks nice and are easy to use.