The number of levels there are in Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
What is five?
The shape of Bloom's taxonomy.
What is a triangle?
A pyramid is also acceptable.
The age group for sensorimotor skills.
What is one to two years old?
The level of Kolberg's development where the child will do things to avoid punishment.
What is the first level of Kolberg's development?
Something that Howard Gardner believes that we all have.
What are Multiple Intelligences?
The basic needs that are required according to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
What are physiological and safety needs?
The number of levels that are in Blooms Taxonomy.
What is 6?
The stage that is usually for people 12 and over.
What is the formal Stage?
Person you made Kolberg's moral development.
Who is Lawrence Kohlberg?
Howard Gardener Believes that this method of teaching is the best.
What is Constructivism teaching?
The psychological needs that are needed according to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
What are belonging and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization?
The guy who came up with Blooms Taxonomy.
Who is educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom
The stage that children will start to know right from wrong.
What is the concrete stage?
the three Levels of Moral Development.
What are preconventional, conventional, and postconventional?
Bonus question read the question first and they have to give the answer.
Why is it important for a teacher to be familiar with Gardener's multiple intelligences?
Bonus question read the question first and they have to give the answer.
So that they can be aware of different ways of learning and apply them to their lessons.
Some adverse effects of not having the needs met in Maslow's Hierarchy.
What is a psychiatric illness, mental health issues, death, physical illness, and stress?
(Needs 3 of the 5 correct to get the answer correct)
The suffix added to the end of each level of Blooms Taxonomy to make it the revised version.
What is the suffix ING.
Aspects of the preoperational Satege.
What is it to be curious, with no limits to learning that may require a lot of patience from the parents?
A college student would be at this level in
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development.
What is the Post Conventional Stage in Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development?
Bonus Question
Your highest intelligence according to Howard Gardeners multiple intelligences.
Bonus Question.
This one can range for every person.
For me personally,
What is musical intelligence?
The levels in order of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs from the bottom up.
What are Physicological Needs, Saftey needs, Belonging and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization?
The levels in order of Blooms Taxonomy from the bottom up.
What are remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create?
A schema
What is a set of linked mental representation of the world or how we make sense of the world based on Piaget's Cognitive development stages?
Three examples of Howard Gardeners multiple intelligences.
What are musical, kinesthetic (body movement), naturalistic (nature)?
other answers may include social (interpersonal), linguistic (language), logic/math, spatial, self (intrapersonal).